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Check Out Gene Muellers Column

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  • Check Out Gene Muellers Column

    Check this out !

    Regrettably, the author did not mention Maryland Kayak Fishing, although it and the URL of this forum was in the press release. We''ll get there soon enough.

  • #2
    Great, now we'll have to get in the kayak taxi line with everyone else!

    That awesome Capt! Hopefully this puts some butts (or in this case, yaks) in your boat and $$$ in your pocket. I'm just trying to figure out where I want you to take me first.


    • #3
      I'm flattered !

      This is an idea which became a concept which YOU guys helped to develop into a pilot project. Now the work begins, and as I initially stated, the service is easily kopy katted, and it may open up a whole wide range of new opportunities for kayakers.

      My job as the First Mother Duck, is to do it right and better than anybody imagined, and make it affordable. That is my intention, and my promise to this forum. So not so much the $, more attention to the success of my ducklings.

