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A Delayed Report Oct 19th.....

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  • A Delayed Report Oct 19th.....

    A Delayed Report Oct 19th.....

    Able to get out for the day.....
    The previous week had produced with birds marking... you may remember the report...

    Wind reports were bouncing all over the place.... but air temps near 80' predicted...
    Some guys here had reported good success the day before at a place...
    But I hate going were other guys report success... and only go there and not produce.

    And the plan was to a favorite spot...

    Woke up at midnight.... and winds predicted got a little better...
    Woke up again at 2:30am an now the winds predicted were bombastic !

    Well... if you know me from my posts over the years... and all the computer stuff
    I do... and my buoy reports page... this and that and the other...
    I pull from numerous sources.... as I am sure many of the group

    Save sanity in "Life" and get out on the water... or secum to the druderary of work....

    Well... luckily.... the bombastic wind reports were just for the overnight scernario.

    Already had the gear packed... and about 4am... the bomboastic wind reports had changed...

    Super calm morning.... a little chilly... not like the week before at 50'f... now in the 60's at
    the launch.

    Made my way out of the tributary... half hour later had seven fish keepers... largest 22inches.

    It was really fun..... while trolling with four lines is exciting.... just sitting there... and tossing out lures and catching fish is so cool.

    The week before had marked tons of bait fish but no results in the same spot... and now I am getting fish.

    Wanting to get some bigger fish... and dinner... I kept the 22incher... and the let rest of the keeper size go.
    And it was becoming, and predicted day in the 80'f... an amazingly beautiful day.

    I moved out.... no bird action... went back and forth... kept catching fish... at the main part of the river.
    Worked some other areas.... went into deeper water... previously I had been working 15foot... went to explore 30foot.

    Nothing exciting....

    Met some boaters along the way... they asked what kind of bait I was using....
    I told them Velveta Cheese and old Tennis Shoes.... gosh I felt like such a jerk after saying that.
    But I did point out where I had been and where to go and wished them success.

    So... it's about lunch time... the above boaters had mentioned they had caught small rock and perch up the creek...
    I went into the creek I had not been before... just felt like exploring.... maybe a perch or two just for fun.

    Cool creek... met another couple working the shoreline for perch in a small boat... said they had caught some...
    They were local... told me about all the perch they catch with grass shrimp in the summer...
    love them for dinner.......
    By now I was just in shorts... stripped off the early morning clothes...
    Moved on to a little beach... had lunch... so tempting to just lie down and fall asleep.

    Low tide was about 2ish pm... so moved out and back to launch.

    Lots of bait fish still all around.... but we had just come off full moon...
    The previous week the fish I had brought home had bellies full of menhaden.

    Winds had picked up... and boats, well, such a glorious day... were strafing the area looking for birds and fish.
    I can certainly appreciate ditching work to go fishing... but the dash in and dash out to areas from boats, and the when they
    turn around back out makes choppy waters.

    So... to cut this long story short.... with much work... at 4:30pm I had got my second keeper at 21inches.
    Yes I know not monsters to write home about.... but surely dinner I would and clean... and keep for smoking for Thanksgiving.

    A great day.. met lots of nice people..... lots of fish, and surely glad the bombastic wind predictions were favorable in the end.