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Susky rockfish!

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  • Susky rockfish!

    Have been launching the yaks at the boat launch below the Conowingo dam. Normally image.jpgimage.jpglaunch around 445 am and fishing by 5-530 am. Using all top water poppers, the fish can't resist it! Have been limiting every morning with the average keepers from 23-26 inches. Will be there sunday morning!image.jpg
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Great job. Would love to tag along sometimes. I normally launch at the dam but float downriver for smallies. Rockfish on topwater has got to be a good time!
    Nick Merrill
    Wilderness Systems Ride 115

    "My goal is to someday be the person my dog thinks I am."


    • #3
      are you going out there during the upcomng week? If so, I'd like to join you on a weekday morning


      • #4
        Nice fish, but what is really impressive is the shot of you standing in a Tarpon. I tried it once and decided I would be much drier sitting down. You have a future career as an ironworker, or in the circus.


        • #5
          Nice going! What size or kind of poppers were working? I haven't fished for rock fish but go after large and small mouth bass so I don't know if my topwater lures are the right size.

          Might try and get out there one day this week.


          • #6
            Nice. I should've done that instead of trying Dundee this morning.
            Native Slayer 12
            Native Ultimate


            • #7
              Is that the lapidum ramp? and is there a fee to launch there?
              Top water is always a blast!!
              2013 PRO ANGLER 12
              2013 Cuda 12


              • #8
                Great Keepers! I live close by but nervous about launching a Hobie so close to the dam with boulders around. Such a disappointment when the action on the flats ended, wishing fall was here for part II. I had a Tarpon and that is IMPRESSIVE!! Looks like a car seat in the rear hatch, LOL
                2015 OLIVE HOBIE OUTBACK
                2013 OLIVE HOBIE OUTBACK
                2013 OCEAN KAYAK TRIDENT 13

                JEREMY D


                • #9
                  Sparky, just have to read the water. I love to put in there. A person has to put in the time learning where to go and areas to avoid. That's all. If you are drifting downstream and bump into something, it's no big deal. If you are trying to peddle as hard as you can and hit something, that's different. Just have to use a little common sense. Peddle light. Make sure you have your paddle. And everything will be fine.

                  Most of the time, if you are fishing from the dam and below, the water is clear enough to see anything under the surface.


                  • #10
                    Cage rattler, I have been launching at the boat launch right below the dam. Went again this morning and limited in the first 15 minutes, caught a 31 and 20 incher! I will be there again most likely tomorrow morning, if not later on in the week!image.jpg


                    • #11
                      Is there not evening bite??


                      • #12
                        I think they've been running too much water in the evening.
                        Native Slayer 12
                        Native Ultimate


                        • #13
                          I work at Autumn Sky Outfitters and our hours make it hard to fish in the afternoons. Plus they normally run a ton of water than. Will be there tomorrow morning around 4 30!


                          • #14
                            I was there this morning. (in the orange native water craft 11) I suppose that was you and your friend coming back in. Right after I saw you I hooked up with something big. got off. hooked up two more times, both seriously nice size fish. The second one was a Rockfisl. Jumped across my bow and I got a good look.

                            I was using a rattletrap type lure. The only things that I did land were a couple of perch (one was really nice) and a channel cat.
                            I can't figure out why the other ones wouldn't stay hooked, but it was a great couple of hours out there.

                            All of the bald eagles and other wildlife just added to a great experience.
                            ORANGE NATIVE MANTA RAY 11


                            • #15
                              Nice report man! I have been trying to learn to figure out the water flow at the dam myself. Obviously too much water is unfishable, but the last time i went up there i found the water was actually too low and slow and no action for anyone in sight. I was thinking maybe the trick is to go when one gate is open following a big release earlier? I will probably try out that theory in the next few days. I just called the hotline and there is 69000 cfs of water release to be followed by 3500 cfs. That is a huge difference. Btw my bro in law works at Autumn place.
                              2014 Hobie Outback

