As promised in the other thread, here are pictures of my first Maryland walleye, the spinner rig I tied, and some other pictures.
Had the whole Cowfamily out for this trip. We had a good time. My wife and oldest daughter fished from shore for the first several hours while my youngest and I hammered the white perch from the kayak. Around noon I picked up and swapped Cowkids and got my oldest on the nose of the yak for some catching. A little while later I came back and turned over the helm to my wife, then Cowkid2 and I fished from with a crappie rig and worms.
Cowkid2 and I with an almost instant double white perch to start the day.
A couple minutes later I caught my first MD walleye. 12' of water, trolling at 1.2 knots, 5/8 bait walker sinker with a worm harness spinner I tied. I measured it a dozen times, and the longest it got was 14 1/2 inches, so after the picture it went back in the drink.
Here's the spinner. Double #4 bait holder hooks spaced a couple inches, a #3 Colorado blade in Chartreuse and 4mm plastic faceted beads in pink.
Cowkid1 catches her first fish ever fish from a kayak.
Cowdog2 was going absolutely bonkers on the shore while she could see Cowgirl and Cowkid1 on the kayak...and took off to join them.
While Cowkid2 and I were stuck on shore, the one rod I was half-heartedly fishing went OFF!!! A nice size carp picked up the worm and started running.
Had the whole Cowfamily out for this trip. We had a good time. My wife and oldest daughter fished from shore for the first several hours while my youngest and I hammered the white perch from the kayak. Around noon I picked up and swapped Cowkids and got my oldest on the nose of the yak for some catching. A little while later I came back and turned over the helm to my wife, then Cowkid2 and I fished from with a crappie rig and worms.
Cowkid2 and I with an almost instant double white perch to start the day.
A couple minutes later I caught my first MD walleye. 12' of water, trolling at 1.2 knots, 5/8 bait walker sinker with a worm harness spinner I tied. I measured it a dozen times, and the longest it got was 14 1/2 inches, so after the picture it went back in the drink.
Here's the spinner. Double #4 bait holder hooks spaced a couple inches, a #3 Colorado blade in Chartreuse and 4mm plastic faceted beads in pink.
Cowkid1 catches her first fish ever fish from a kayak.
Cowdog2 was going absolutely bonkers on the shore while she could see Cowgirl and Cowkid1 on the kayak...and took off to join them.
While Cowkid2 and I were stuck on shore, the one rod I was half-heartedly fishing went OFF!!! A nice size carp picked up the worm and started running.