Yesterday at the CBKA I had an Evovle hiccup. While trolling I accidentally snagged a bridge support with a plug. I bumped the throttle to perform a quick 180 to get back to the scene of the crime. I was near the shipping channel and boat traffic was increasing so I wanted to quickly resolve the problem. Unfortunately, I was trolling more than one line.
After completing the 180 I realized that wasn't the greatest idea with multiple lines in the water, after about 50 feet of motoring, an error code popped up on my throttle screen. I knew what happened, my worst fear...braid in the prop$$$. I heard the horror stories of sending the motor away for repairs. All I thought of was destroying my chances of the fall striper season.
While beaching the kayak I saw leader material around the prop bearings, easy fix and back to fishing without motoring to be cautious. I decided to remove the prop this morning and found about 80 feet of braid wrapped around the bearings and melted to the housing. So I carefully dissected the braid and hopefully everything is okay. The motor sounds good and the prop spins true, time will tell. Just wanted to share my fishing foul and hopefully this will help the next victim.

After completing the 180 I realized that wasn't the greatest idea with multiple lines in the water, after about 50 feet of motoring, an error code popped up on my throttle screen. I knew what happened, my worst fear...braid in the prop$$$. I heard the horror stories of sending the motor away for repairs. All I thought of was destroying my chances of the fall striper season.
While beaching the kayak I saw leader material around the prop bearings, easy fix and back to fishing without motoring to be cautious. I decided to remove the prop this morning and found about 80 feet of braid wrapped around the bearings and melted to the housing. So I carefully dissected the braid and hopefully everything is okay. The motor sounds good and the prop spins true, time will tell. Just wanted to share my fishing foul and hopefully this will help the next victim.
