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Revo first impressions

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  • Revo first impressions

    I took my new to me Revo out over the weekend on Smith Mountain Lake in SW VA. I'm new to Hobie and I have to say I like it! I am not sure if I am faster in the Revo than my Trident, but I could definitely do it for longer. It's also lighter than my Trident. Fishing-wise, the cockpit is definitely more cramped and the pedals take up a lot of space.

    I found the drive to be a little goofy to take out and put back in on the water. I guess that gets easier. I couldn't figure out if I was a 6 or 7 setting, 6 I hit the hull too much, 7 I hit the front of the boat... I guess Hobie engineers are all 5'8. I'm only 6'1'' so it must be harder for guys like Bill. Other goofy things, the molded handles? I wish they went all the way through... It made putting it on and off more awkward but I got it. I'm not sure if I'll use the gear bucket or not, it's not really sized for things I use, but would work for jigheads. I need to rethink my tackle storage now that I have the pockets and easy to open hatch there.

    The rear rod holders are far away, but not impossible. I'll plan on sticking with them for now. I think a front rod holder will be on order at some point and I am considering this - because I am not the biggest fan of Ram mounts. I will probably mount the fish finder in the sail mast, but need to think about that. I busted the screen on mine but I can still see how deep it is, so I'm going to leave that on the trident and maybe just go blind for awhile on the revo till I figure out where I want it/save for something nicer.

    My butt was pretty seriously wet, but I guess I can close those scuppers on calm days. That's my first impression for now... more to follow with questions for you all.
    Last edited by Redfish12; 05-11-2011, 12:59 AM.
    Used to fish more.

  • #2
    I'm thinking about naming my Revo 4th and Inches because it's almost the perfect fishing yak... but not quite.

    Scotty mounts will be a very close fit on the spot on the gunwale, but I found a guy on an Australian forum that did it. I didn't think my drilling skills would be precise enough to risk it. Also, I'm not sure how you would reinforce it because I don't think there's quite enough room for washers. I was thinking of a cutting board cut out based on the Scotty base with a hole cut out for the bottom of the flush mount. The flush mount Scotty base probably wouldn't need much reinforcement given the way it's set up. I went with the RAM space saver first figuring that I could switch to a flush mount Scotty later if I didn't like the RAM because the flush mount would cover the RAM holes. If you end up putting a Scotty there, I really want to see how you did it.

    The fins hitting the hull is irritating, too. That didn't happen on my Outback because the drive sat in the lowest part of the hull, which was 1-2" below the sponsons. I wish they did that on the Revo. The pockets are a good substitute for the Outback's trays, though.

    For the fish finder, you can do a PVC rig like mine, which works pretty well and is a handy spot for a camera mount.
    Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
    Yellow Tarpon 120


    • #3
      Did you purchase turbo fins yet, believe they will make Revo faster then trident.

      I leave my pedals on 6. Most of the time I keep my knees bent, find it more comfortable. On 6 at my height 5'11'' I can make the fins hit the bottom when I straighten my legs. I actually like the sound of the "slap" on bottom when trying to go fast for a long distance. If I don't hear it I know I am slowing down, helps to keep rhythm


      • #4
        Thanks for the input guys. I haven't purchased the turbo fins but I'm hoping to try them this weekend. We'll see how that goes. I tested out a camera mount today for j-bay, but I didn't like it so I'll be shooting by hand I guess for now.

        I purchased the rocket launcher from scotty. I remembered this thread and saw that he used the same flush mount base so I went for it -

        I also have two ram balls that I could install, I'm thinking about possibly behind the seat so that I can angle them out and forward some. I can't put stuff on the gunnels because I load the yak upside down on my Xterra. When I take two yaks I use a stacker, but my car is too tall to use it with only one person. It might work if I used a step or got the running boards for the vehicle. It would be nice not to have to worry about keeping the gunnels clear.
        Used to fish more.


        • #5
          " I'm thinking about naming my Revo 4th and Inches because it's almost the perfect fishing yak... but not quite. "

          Naming my PA Touchdown, Extra Pt and game over ....... ..... it is perfect for fishing ..........

          Now Dogfish have to get you guys to trade up and join the Yak Yacht Club on Geezer Creek ............

          Free case of Salty Dog Lager to each new member .......

          Welcome to the Darkest side, Mike ......... hope you guys tear em up in Jamaica Bay


          • #6
            the hobie does have a learning curve but the more u use it the wetter your butt gets the expedition seat is a real nice change not as wet.

            you dont want to extend your knees all the way when peddling just like a bike almost all the way but not straight.

            the PA is perfect, even comes with back brace and hernia belt


            • #7
              Thanks for the report Mike! Seriously thinking of the Revo when I get back stateside Of course there are alot of things I am considering for when I get back so Will be keeping an eye on your reports to see how it works out for you! Good fishin



              • #8
                I finally got my aluminum RAM tube today. It grips the ball much better than the plastic one or the RAM 2007 I borrowed from my father. The drag will slip well before the tube moves.

                One advantage I think the RAM tube has over the Scotty tube is that the RAM is easier to adjust. I was thinking about rotating the tube out of the way when I'm finished trolling and start casting. The way everything locks together on the Scottys is nice for trolling but might be a pain for adjusting. I'd like to hear what you think when you get it.
                Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
                Yellow Tarpon 120


                • #9
                  Originally posted by surfdog View Post
                  the hobie does have a learning curve but the more u use it the wetter your butt gets the expedition seat is a real nice change not as wet.

                  you dont want to extend your knees all the way when peddling just like a bike almost all the way but not straight.

                  the PA is perfect, even comes with back brace and hernia belt
                  Yeah .......... it's earned the Geezer Seal of Approval ......


                  • #10
                    Update- After trying out Jimbo's turbo fins I decided that they are definitely worth it. I also noticed his drive was far easier to peddle than mine. After installing the turbo fins my drive issue was even more of a problem so I talked to my dealer and they replaced my drive no problem. It felt like it was stuck in mud and instead of me being with out a drive, they said they would work on the repair and send me away with a working drive. They even installed my turbo fins!! Got to appreciate a company that stands by their product.

                    I'm taking it out Thursday to test the sailing rudder and new longer fins. I also did the rod holder install and fish finder. It's ready to go!
                    Used to fish more.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the feedback. I too have a Trident 13 and am considering the Revo, but the lack of Revo storage space bothers me. I really like the center Rod Pod on the Trident. Trident's scupper hole for the transducer is also a nice feature.
                      2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                      2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                      2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


                      • #12
                        I love my trident and I doubt I would ever get rid of it. I've been paddling the trident since J-Bay and for a year prior and I still love it. I really got the Revo so my GF could keep up and so I could do longer trolling trips. The best thing about a Hobie is being able to use your hands and paddle long distances with your legs. I think the guys with the trolling motors have this option as well, so you might consider just adding a trolling motor?

                        I hate the seat on my revo, it's wet and uncomfortable. If I open the scuppers it's even more wet and uncomfortable. I guess I need to drop some pounds and stop bringing so much stuff with me!
                        Last edited by Redfish12; 06-14-2011, 08:21 PM.
                        Used to fish more.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Redfish12 View Post
                          Update- After trying out Jimbo's turbo fins I decided that they are definitely worth it. I also noticed his drive was far easier to peddle than mine. After installing the turbo fins my drive issue was even more of a problem so I talked to my dealer and they replaced my drive no problem. It felt like it was stuck in mud and instead of me being with out a drive, they said they would work on the repair and send me away with a working drive. They even installed my turbo fins!! Got to appreciate a company that stands by their product.

                          I'm taking it out Thursday to test the sailing rudder and new longer fins. I also did the rod holder install and fish finder. It's ready to go!


                          • #14
                            I already use an electric motor. It's great. I just thought with motor and leg power I could go even faster and farther. But how much better is it over what I already have?

                            I'm not seeing a net big advantage switching to a Revo, especially when it costs $1800+.
                            2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                            2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                            2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tufnik View Post
                              I already use an electric motor. It's great. I just thought with motor and leg power I could go even faster and farther. But how much better is it over what I already have?

                              I'm not seeing a net big advantage switching to a Revo, especially when it costs $1800+.
                              Probably better off getting a bigger battery or something like that. I'd be interested in seeing your rig. I swore I'd never get a hobie, but after fishing with so many hobie guys I caved for the ability to work a rod while trolling (among other things, like distance). I have also sworn I wouldn't get a trolling motor because of all the maintenance, but now that my gf won that ultimate 14.5 multi I've been thinking about it. If I can add a second seat then it would be a great rig to keep at the lake where my parents have a house or take crabbing. I'd also be interested in seeing your trident set up. Maybe I can move the motor back and forth?
                              Used to fish more.

