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Keel protector

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  • Keel protector

    My PA is new, even though I try and remember to put a piece of carpet under the bow when lifting the rear and rotating it onto my cart, I noticed a flat spot and wear already on the keel at the bow.

    Searching the internet for a keel protector for yaks much like they sell for powerboats I found this product that is cheap, sold by the foot, and in 3 widths. As per their web site suggestion for high wear areas I purchased two one foot pieces (1x 4", 1x 2") and will cut the 2" wide piece down to 10" and apply it. Then apply the 4" x 12" piece over the top of the 2" piece for a double layer; I will round the corners of this piece prior to applying it. I bought a contrasting color so that in the event I wear through the protector it will be easy to spot and I can replace it asap. So much easier than carrying a piece of carpet with me and trying to remember to use it. Both pieces were $16 shipped to my house and took 2 minutes to order online. I'm sure there may be other products and companies out there that offer something, I'm just sharing this in case it might be helpful to anyone else.
    2010 Hobie ProAngler

  • #2
    I've seen this product mentioned before, but I haven't heard any feedback from people who have used it. So it would be great to hear your opinion after you've used it for awhile.


    • #3
      tried some HDPE strips last year but it didnt last long. got a piece of pvc cardboard that is used to protect walls on construction sites and it works well when loading and unloading on parking lots. very slick


      • #4
        u put the sample piece on my keel. it's already all ripped and gouged, and all i do is lay the keel on the ground while loading and unloading off the truck. better than nothing, but not the untimate protective coating i was hoping for, but i do need something bc i feel a hole coming soon in the yak. a carpet is probably the best way, even if it's a pain.


        • #5
          I've been thinking about putting Rhinoliner/Line-X on the keel and gunwales of my yak for protection from parking lots and bridge pilings. I just need to see if it will stick.


          • #6
            I thought about the Rhinoliner/Line-X, let me know if you find anything out as I had the same concerns along with the rough texture significantly increasing drag? Can they make it smoother? For the PA just an 8 inch wide strip the length of the yak on the bottom of each side would be great.

            As for the keel guard I ordered, it came yesterday and I installed it. The key was to cut the first layer 1 inch shorter and heat it up real good with a hair dryer while applying it being careful to stretch and form it as you press it down. It installed great so we will see over time how well it stays.

            Attached Files
            2010 Hobie ProAngler


            • #7
              I'll let you know when I find out. The way I look at it, it's not much rougher than my scratched up yak bottom so I can't see the drag being too bad.


              • #8
                How much of it did you need to do the PA?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by russ498 View Post
                  How much of it did you need to do the PA?
                  I just did 12" piece on the bow.
                  2010 Hobie ProAngler


                  • #10
                    very curious to hear feedback on any keel protection solutions. This looks like a great idea, especially when youve already dumped many hundreds of $$ on a new boat


                    • #11
                      I installed the Keel Eazy on 3 kayaks. It's still there on the Kaskazi, but lifted badly on the corners on the Revo and P13. I thought the product was promising at first, but in the end I cannot endorse it. If it can't stay put, it's of little value to me. Sorry that I couldn't post a more positive review.


                      • #12
                        Jkay thanks for the honest review.

                        Has anyone tried the rhinoliner?

                        I was thinking of using SUGRU to secure a 6" x 1" x 1/8" strip of hard plastic.
                        Has anyone tried that?


                        • #13
                          Keel easy is only temporary on our yaks. I was working with another company last year but four the problem was the adhesive would not last on the yak hull. Still working with them maybe something later this year.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by On the fly View Post
                            Keel easy is only temporary on our yaks. I was working with another company last year but four the problem was the adhesive would not last on the yak hull. Still working with them maybe something later this year.
                            You just summed it up! The concept is sound. If the adhesive issue is solved, it might be a winner. Part of the issue too was that the adhesive did not go all the way out to the edges. I worked around that by using the heat gun and pressure to squeeze it farther out to the edges. It helped, but as you said, it was temporary at best.

                            Good luck with it. I hope you succeed in coming up with something!


                            • #15
                              Did you ever think of "painting" goop on the keel? I say that because I have glued numerous items inside the hull of my Trident and none have ever come loose.



                              Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
                              MK Endura Max 55 backup power
                              Vibe Skipjack 90

                              Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972

