Picked up my new kayak on Sat morning and wanted to get out on the water quickly so after doing research on several sites, decided to forgo the epoxy or the goop to eliminate drying time and tried out using electricans putty. 1 lb cost $2 and I used 1/4 of it. I have a Cuda 350s I got on ebay and stuck the transducer right behind the mast pole in a wad of putty. I have no idea how to do the settings for the fish finder but all of the dept readings seemed to come out accurate and the set up time for the fish finder was 10 min. Have any of you guys tried this method? Anyone have a Cuda 350 and know settings for the bay? I have no frame of reference when it comes to fish finders so I'm not sure about the whole fish id thing. Looked like there were fish everywhere. Not sure if I had bad settings due to the electricans putty or if worked great. How can you tell if the settings are right and if the tranducer mount is right? Is there a tell tale sign if either are working properly vs improperly?