I posted the beginning of the year on craigslist looking for a cheap fixer up trailer. A guy e-mails "I got a trailer that's been sitting for 15 years, tires are shot, rusted, but it's got a title and you can have it for free" Zing!!! "I'll be right down!"
It sat for a few months while I finished other projects and now its turn has come. I just cleaned it with an angle gringer and wire brush attachments. I think the inside of my garage needs power washing. I got a lecture from the wife about how dirty her van got even being outside the garage. Sorry dear,
In the garage the first time from the side. Rust everything!! But solid. See that rust rim at the bottom?
And the front
One fender before and one with primer after the wire brush and angle grinder.
The back half, wire brushed and primed. Yes those are the same rims, wire brushed, epoxy painted and new tires.
Today's work started here. I added a 2x3 upright channel in two spots for risers and 1 1/4" square stock for supports. Welded them all in and I only need one bar across the top to tie the risers together to stiffen them. I used all 1/8" thick steel and that 1 1/4" square stock is stout when only 30" long from the 3" weld on the riser.
Sizing the bars for the racks from the front. The clamps are set to hold the bars for the first run with the welder.
The bars are all welded on and caps welded on the top of the 2x3 upright channel and I'm done for the night. It needs a bar between the two channels as the back wobbled but the front it tight as all get out. The back channel allows the bar to move too much.
Works done, had beer, made a post, its bed time.
It sat for a few months while I finished other projects and now its turn has come. I just cleaned it with an angle gringer and wire brush attachments. I think the inside of my garage needs power washing. I got a lecture from the wife about how dirty her van got even being outside the garage. Sorry dear,
In the garage the first time from the side. Rust everything!! But solid. See that rust rim at the bottom?
And the front
One fender before and one with primer after the wire brush and angle grinder.
The back half, wire brushed and primed. Yes those are the same rims, wire brushed, epoxy painted and new tires.
Today's work started here. I added a 2x3 upright channel in two spots for risers and 1 1/4" square stock for supports. Welded them all in and I only need one bar across the top to tie the risers together to stiffen them. I used all 1/8" thick steel and that 1 1/4" square stock is stout when only 30" long from the 3" weld on the riser.
Sizing the bars for the racks from the front. The clamps are set to hold the bars for the first run with the welder.
The bars are all welded on and caps welded on the top of the 2x3 upright channel and I'm done for the night. It needs a bar between the two channels as the back wobbled but the front it tight as all get out. The back channel allows the bar to move too much.
Works done, had beer, made a post, its bed time.