When I first did mine, I don't think I pushed all the glued pieces into the tees far enough so that they bottomed out. When I was pulling it through some sand, both of the top tee's cracked and busted out in the front (shown in the picture) just enough so that the support rails would not be secure enough to hold the yak.
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I probably tried to pull it too far across sand with such small tires, but I did learn that if I would have had two extra tee's with me, I could have used it without glue just to get it back to my vehicle, so now I have a couple extra in my front hatch. When I replaced the broken parts, I tapped them with a rubber mallet to make sure they were all the way in.
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I probably tried to pull it too far across sand with such small tires, but I did learn that if I would have had two extra tee's with me, I could have used it without glue just to get it back to my vehicle, so now I have a couple extra in my front hatch. When I replaced the broken parts, I tapped them with a rubber mallet to make sure they were all the way in.