As you must already know by now, the 4th annual CBKA Tournament takes place in less than 2 weeks. That's right... not this coming weekend, but the next. That's sooner than you think. Just enough time to - maybe - reverse the line on your reels...
Once again this year, CBKA has teamed up with some generous sponsors to offer great raffle and fishing division prizes, and we're excited about the event finally being upon us. Click here for all the info. And most importantly, the fishing has been great in the middle bay this summer.
But why haven't you registered? We're kinda bummed about that.
We don't mean to be pushy, but we don't want you to miss this kayak fishing event, and we need you to help us raise tons of money for our great charities, Make-A-Wish and CCA MD!
Hoping to see you there,
The CBKA Team
John, Michael, Bryan, Martin, Ryan and Mike
PS: We've tried to think of some reasons why you might not be registered yet, and have come up with some solutions to get you off the fence:
I always wait until the last minute to do everything.
Cool, so you're coming! But hurry up, because if enough people get hooked by this post and register, you might not get a Captain's Bag. That would be unfortunate, because the bags are stuffed with awesome stuff.
I don't have a kayak anymore
Why didn't you say so earlier!? Will you register if we find you a loaner yak? Let us know and we will try to find one! But do it soon. Contact mike(at)
I live too far away.
Not a good reason. Gas prices are low. And the weather has been awesome over here.
The raffle was too long last year and I don't like winning prizes that easily.
You're not alone. So we're shortening the raffle, but offering bigger prizes. And of course, you could win a kayak.
My wife/husband/partner won't let me.
Tell her/him that it's for a good cause. You don't really want to go, but you have to because CBKA is counting on you
Something else...
We want to know why you're not registered yet, so that if possible, we can do something to make it easier for you to come fishing with us. Contact mike(at)