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  • Monday

    Going out of Ft. Smallwwod park, aa county at 7 am. All welcome to join us.

  • #2
    I've never been there, but really want to fish Monday and the weather looks great! What are you fishing for?
    Hobie fleet:
    2017 Quest 13
    2015 Outback
    2014 Outback


    • #3
      Stripers, blues, perch


      • #4
        Going to Solomans with SHH, he heard reports of Spanish Mackerel...been wanting to try catching one.
        Hobie fleet:
        2017 Quest 13
        2015 Outback
        2014 Outback


        • #5
          I cannot make it Monday, but really want to get out later in the week during a "Not Feeling Well" day. I just got a new Lowrance Elite-4 and want to try it out (also got some new lures). This place is moderately close to me and looks like a great launching place... you heading out later in the week perchance?
          People who use the word "literally" wrong literally kill me.


          • #6
            Right now I can't but perhaps others might.


            • #7
              Made it out this evening from Jonas Green going north. Was raining a bit, but managed to pick up a 12" bluefish, which I'll be grilling tonight. I was chasing a large school of baitfish hoping for something large underneath, but the bluefish was all I got from working that area. Caught it and had some other bites using a "opening night" color paddle tail.



              • #8
                SHH and I went to Solomons today. I got on the water around 10:30 am, and headed straight up to Point Patience. Started getting bites almost as soon as I neared the tip of the point, both rods going off at the same time. Landed one small 11" blue, quickly turned it loose because my other rod had a fish on it too. Landed lots of small rockfish 12-17", and got tails bit off a couple of the bass assassins that came with my parachute rig. I replaced the cut tails with Zman "opening night" and kept getting bites, but not hooked up.

                We decided to venture out toward the mouth and found bait boiling on the surface out in 60+ feet of water. Rigged up everything in my tackle box trying to see what would get bit, and only managed a hits and misses. SHH had several blues get hooked up, but didn't get them in the kayak.

                We decided to make the three-ish mile trek back to the point, and I landed one small 12" blue; that I brought home so my wife can have a few bites of sashimi. Never been on the bay with water as flat as it was today. We got sprinkled on for a few hours, but not enough to hardly get wet. Finally got off the water around 5:30pm, worn out without much to show for all the effort.
                Hobie fleet:
                2017 Quest 13
                2015 Outback
                2014 Outback


                • #9
                  Oh, I almost forgot...I should have had a net of some kind today. There was a huge blue crab swimming sideways on the surface in 15 feet of water this morning. Biggest one I've ever seen, and it had a V wake, the water was almost glass at the time.
                  Hobie fleet:
                  2017 Quest 13
                  2015 Outback
                  2014 Outback


                  • #10
                    How did the fishing go?
                    Dune Hobie Pro Angler 12
                    Orange Old Town NEXT


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by FL Boy View Post
                      How did the fishing go?
                      Scroll up buddy


                      • #12
                        Thanks, I was using the app for some reason it didn't load everything.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        Dune Hobie Pro Angler 12
                        Orange Old Town NEXT

