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Fishing in Weems Creek, What bait to use, and other stuff...

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  • Fishing in Weems Creek, What bait to use, and other stuff...


    My wife and I just moved to Annapolis last week, and we're staying in a water front condo on Weems Creek. We both love to fish and I'm thinking about getting a kayak or canoe to do some fishing. Growing up in Georgia, I did quite a bit of fishing for large-mouth bass and "bream"--we call them; I think you guys call them sunfish. I've got a lot of questions about what to expect as far as the fish species in brackish water. Seems like I saw a blip or two in my google searching about small-mouth bass, pike, and perch. I haven't done much salt water fishing. I haven't done any brackish water fishing, so I'm not sure what species dwell there normally. I'm also curious about fishing tackle. I normally use stuff like plastic worms, crank baits, top water poppers, torpedos, spinner baits, crappy jigs, and rooster tails. If there are pike in the area, I'll probably invest in some steel leaders and spoons. Will this tackle suffice, or will I need to do a complete overhaul of my fishing gear? Also, I'm an out-of-state resident, and will only be staying here until probably November. Can I get an out-of-state fishing license? Where and how much? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get a feel for things, as I'm completely new to the area.



  • #2
    Hey Georgia!

    I have had success @ Weems with rooster tails and beetle spins with gulp mullet and/or exude curly tails for white perch. I've caught an undersized Rockfish in there as well. You can get an out of state license anywhere that sells them... they run 22.50. Here is the info on the licenses:

    As far as species, I have only caught White Perch, Rockfish, and a few puny Spot. But a couple of buddies of mine have also caught bluegill and a Pickeral...



    • #3
      Welcome. As far as fish species in weems creek and out in the Severn where i fish a lot there is plenty of White Perch. Also you will find croaker and rockfish . Later in the summer you will catch Spot and Bluefish. In the creek small spinners and rooster tails are good especially for the perch. For all the species in that area you can use a top/bottom rig with bloodworms, grass shrimp, or regular store bought shrimp and catch almost any species. The croakers are usually caught early in the morning or in the evenings/night. I will be fishing that area a lot so maybe we could hook up sometimes and I can show you a few things.........BUT to make it clear im not an expert. LOL! For the most part as the water gets warmer and the fish are in thick you shouldnt have any problems catching something.


      • #4
        Quickest way to get started is just a couple standard bottom rigs, two hooks separated with a sinker on the bottom baited with shrimp, blood worms, fish bites etc. Could end up with most anything on the line with this set up but mostly it will be white perch, spot, or croaker. I'm not familiar with weems creek but there may be blues and rock (striped bass) as well depending on the time of year. Throwing topwater or metal at breaking fish can be a lot of fun just make sure to use those leaders if trying for blues, they have some aweful teeth! Search the boards here a bit, theres lots of good info and at least some reports I remember seeing about weems creek. Last thing, out of state fishing liscence can be bought at most bait shops and walmart or where ever. Good Fishin



        • #5
          Last summer, small spinners and rooster tails were the well as small shad darts. Its nice and scerene back in the small coves of weems creek
          <insert witty comment here>

