I'd also ask that you consider for a second that many supporting more open access to a park we are funding may also have families and just want to enjoy access to a day on the water. Limited parking and facilities at a county park can severely limit that access and may even be a violation of the ADA. I'm the type that will leave an area cleaner than I found it and have managed to get through my life without putting anyone's kids in harms way or danger yet have had some very rude behavior come my way when visiting Triton and Spriggs Farm.
If I had my druthers the park would most likely stay as it is and I'd have access to a beautiful uncrowded park for me and my kayak but we are back to it being purchased by and promised as a park to the residents of Anne Arundel County. Yes it will effect your community the most but the time for that battle was back when the original plan was hatched. From what I understand it sounds like a private land trust might have been the best solution but we are where we are now. I don't know how it is all going to play out and hope for the best for your community and the larger community. Much in this county is not done to my liking, it's one of the reasons having a park to spend the day at is an attractive option. I understand your concerns completely and the first time I visited the park they ran through my mind. Yet it's a county park and we all may not get exactly what we like when all the residents of the county local to the park or not get a say. If I'm not mistaken Sandy Point is the only county park that allows swimming and it is hard to begrudge the residents of the county a place to swim at a park they are funding.
If I had my druthers the park would most likely stay as it is and I'd have access to a beautiful uncrowded park for me and my kayak but we are back to it being purchased by and promised as a park to the residents of Anne Arundel County. Yes it will effect your community the most but the time for that battle was back when the original plan was hatched. From what I understand it sounds like a private land trust might have been the best solution but we are where we are now. I don't know how it is all going to play out and hope for the best for your community and the larger community. Much in this county is not done to my liking, it's one of the reasons having a park to spend the day at is an attractive option. I understand your concerns completely and the first time I visited the park they ran through my mind. Yet it's a county park and we all may not get exactly what we like when all the residents of the county local to the park or not get a say. If I'm not mistaken Sandy Point is the only county park that allows swimming and it is hard to begrudge the residents of the county a place to swim at a park they are funding.