Hi all,
Great news - the target open date for Spriggs Farm Park on the south shore of the Magothy is now November 1, 2015.
The target date for clearing the old access lane at Beachwood Park on the north side of the Magothy is now October 23, 2015. The carry at Beachwood is now 150 yards winding through the woods with a steep hill at the end. Opening the old access land will make the carry 50 yards on a gentle slope.
The Director of Rec & Parks announced this target at the Anne Arundel Public Water Access Committee meeting last week.
Thanks to all who emailed and wrote and called. Public input, public outcry, made the difference. It wouldn't have happened without you.
Great news - the target open date for Spriggs Farm Park on the south shore of the Magothy is now November 1, 2015.
The target date for clearing the old access lane at Beachwood Park on the north side of the Magothy is now October 23, 2015. The carry at Beachwood is now 150 yards winding through the woods with a steep hill at the end. Opening the old access land will make the carry 50 yards on a gentle slope.
The Director of Rec & Parks announced this target at the Anne Arundel Public Water Access Committee meeting last week.
Thanks to all who emailed and wrote and called. Public input, public outcry, made the difference. It wouldn't have happened without you.