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What electronics are you using...

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  • What electronics are you using...

    If any.


    Navionics app on phone or smart device?

  • #2
    Lowrance Elite 4 HDI on my daughter's Outback, and a Lowrance Elite 5 HDI on mine.

    Base map is decent on the Elite unit...much better than what the base map is for HB. Screen resolution is better on the Lowrance too, in my opinion. I wanted a HB a year and a half ago, and went with the Lowrance because of what I already mentioned; I'm happy with my choice for the current units that are available. The Raymarine Dragonfly are very appealing in the advertisements (and show room demo mode), but I didn't see a justification for the extra money. Personally, I would put Garmin below HB, where the current models rank.
    Hobie fleet:
    2017 Quest 13
    2015 Outback
    2014 Outback


    • #3
      Lowrance Elite 7 HDI. Went with the 7 for the bigger screen. Down scan imaging is priceless.
      2015 Outback


      • #4
        Lowrance Elite 4. From what I understand 4/5/7 are screen size and all Lowrance models have same technology IE Downscan. The benefits I find most helpful are marking fish when I catch one as waypoints, seeing position on chart (I have Navionics map upgrade) as I like to fish ridges, cuts, Etc. and of course depth I'm always looking at.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        WOOD DUCK 12


        • #5
          Humminbird here. 581ciHD with navionics plus chip.

          2015 Viking Profish Reload


          • #6
            DSCN0481.jpg Lowrance Elite 4 HDI with map
            Mike and son Jeffrey Yellow Hobie Pro Angler
            Olive Hobie Outback


            • #7
              Have used Hummingbirds on my past boats but now 2 weeks into a Lowrance Elite 5 chirp unit on the yak. Love the larger screen size for showing the chart, sonar and downscan at the same time, esp in unknown waters or crushing canal edges. Like scrump says the downscan itself is super impressive, esp for locating structure and vegetation. Aside from that, I use the Charts app for iOS for logging location and fish hits, which I can reference later at home.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

              2015 ivory outback


              • #8
                I use a Garmin EchoMao 44dv. I have to say that I love it. I have heard great things about the Lawrence as well - except for their customer service.

                Whichever way you go, be sure to get one with good charts / GPS (Garmin's are excellent). It makes a world of difference when tracking fish and covering new waters

                Hobie PA 14
                Wilderness System, Thresher 155


                • #9
                  I have an LOWRANCE Elite-4 CHIRP with chartplotter, makes it pretty easy to come back to the exact spot if I'm successful. I've used lowrance for many years and been very happy. If I had the money, & needed to do over, I'd go with a bigger screen. but I have no complaints with what i'm using. I can see my hook on the bottom when i'm jigging bc of CHIRP.
                  Red 2015 Hobie Outback
                  Olive 2015 PA 14


                  • #10
                    Lowrance Elite 5 Gold DSI- Three years old- good unit- no complaints
                    "Lady Luck" 2016 Red Hibiscus Hobie Outback, Lowrance Hook2-7TS
                    2018 Seagrass Green Hobie Compass, Humminbird 798 ci HD SI
                    "Wet Dream" 2011 yellow Ocean Prowler 13
                    Charter member of Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club


                    • #11
                      Garmin Echomap 44dv. Love it. Large screen, no problem in direct sun, Downvue picks up blades of grass and the standard sonar puts me on fish. Maps seem to be better than Lowrance (expected). The Lowrance and Garmin were almost equal when compared but two things pushed me to Garmin, a sales rep that sells FF/GPS said Garmin was a better unit and all the negative feedback on Lowrance customer service. I'm sure you can't go wrong with either brand.
                      Pelican Strike 100X


                      • #12
                        Is anyone using a Smart device or cell phone for Google maps purposes?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Scrumptrelecent View Post
                          Lowrance Elite 7 HDI. Went with the 7 for the bigger screen. Down scan imaging is priceless.
                          Same - but Gen2 touch version. For kayak use, all you need is downscan and GPS/Chartplotter. I do like the touch screen though.

