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Dress for Success - Paddle Wear for Kayak Anglers

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  • Dress for Success - Paddle Wear for Kayak Anglers

    As I approach my first season of being on the water during the winter months, I started to do research on what gear makes the most sense to allow us to do what we love and stay safe while doing it. I assumed that the concepts would be little different from any other outdoor activity in the older months - layering. This is, in fact, true, but requires more specialized equipment that terrestrial pursuits.

    During the 17 years I have been selling kayaks, we always educate customers to dress for the water temperature rather than the air temp. That way, if you do find yourself in the water, you will be properly protected. It can be challenging to do this and still remain comfortable. The right gear is essential and dependent upon the conditions you fish in.

    "The Coast Guard Auxiliary recommends you use the 50-50 rule to emphasize how rapidly hypothermia can occur. You have a 50-50 chance to swim 50 yards in water at 50 degrees. Another rule is that a 50 year old person has a 50-50 chance of surviving 50 minutes in 50 degree water."

    Rather than recreate the wheel, I am sharing another article from our northern brethren who deal with this issue on a regular basis. It is comprehensive and straightforward in laying out the options from which we can all choose.

    Tight lines and stay safe out there!

    Hobie PA 14
    Wilderness System, Thresher 155

  • #2
    Here is one more video which you should watch. Wearing a life jacket, as we know, works. The interesting part is the difference it makes in cold water immersion.


    • #3
      Originally posted by On the fly View Post
      Here is one more video which you should watch. Wearing a life jacket, as we know, works. The interesting part is the difference it makes in cold water immersion.
      Super important point. Thanks for adding it Harry!

      Hobie PA 14
      Wilderness System, Thresher 155

