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Here's a little something...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by D3NAL1 View Post
    For the nice people who messaged me. Here is a little report. And i guess this will help my "posts" count. Ive been launching from my dock. Fishing has been off the chain. hitting anything that I present to them. No kidding, ive had hook ups on lures that i rest about 4 inches underwater right next to the yak. These fish are hungry!!! A buddy which lives down about 10 minutes had to come check it out for himself, and boy every cast was a hook up. His first cast resulted in a 24 inch fatty and he hit it right next to his yak! He said he witnessed him chase it with its mouth open for about 3 feet and as soon as he was going to bring the lure out of the water, he lunged for it and took it down. I went out today since the winds calmed waaaay down, but they were still at it. Since the water was flat for some time i had to slow my retrieve down a bit but managed to get to them.


    I was stationed at Pax for 4 years a while back. great fishing down that way.


    • #17
      Originally posted by RavensDfense View Post
      Don't lie. We all know you eat those things. Remember...I once witnessed you eat a live silverside out of the OC boat ramp. You're not fooling me.
      Haha! I haven't gotten so hungry yet that I've resorted to mud shad! But then again........


      • #18
        Wait until you spend all of your money on diapers and daycare. I hope Laura likes mud shad pie!

        Hobie Fishing Team Member
        Survival Products, Salisbury, MD

        2017 Camo Hobie Outback
        2015 Olive Hobie Outback


        • #19
          Originally posted by phoenixkeith View Post
          nice but you will never reach 2000+ post if you are out actually fishing
          haha, ill get there
          Native Watercraft Pro Staff
          2016 Native Watercraft Slayer Propel 13 Lizard Lick

          2016 CCA MD "BLUE CAT" Tournament 2nd place
          33rd MSSA "THE CHAMPIONSHIP" Tournament 1st place
          2016 Curley's White Perch Tournament 1st place

