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CCA Red Trout Results?

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  • CCA Red Trout Results?

    I wasn't able to attend or participate in this year's CCA Red Trout Tourny in Crisfield; does anyone know the results?


  • #2
    Gary Marine (Hemingway) took 1st place with 60 some inches.
    Shane Clift (Reelaxin) took second with an all speck stringer of 50-some inches. Shane also caught the largest speck.
    Gina Tyler took 3rd with 45 inches. She also caught the largest rock at 26"

    Jhoss and I went to the CBBT for Bull reds and I lost two. We ended up skunked on Saturday but both put together a low to mid 40 inch stringer on Sunday. We also caught a small puppy drum and a TON of dink specks.

    The food on Saturday was great and the location was even better. The prizes were really good too, as all three winners ended up with a good amount of cash and prizes.

    In the boat division, one boat ran south and found a school of bull reds and posted a 130" stringer.

    Hobie Fishing Team Member
    Survival Products, Salisbury, MD

    2017 Camo Hobie Outback
    2015 Olive Hobie Outback


    • #3
      Congrats to all!

      Some of us (not in the tournament) were fishing down south at Janes Island and we also caught a TON of dink Specs. Largest one was probably around 12". It's good to see such a large and healthy stock, I just worry that if this winter is similar to the ones we had in 2013 and 2014, many of them may not make it to be keepers next year.
      ابو مسقوف AbuMasgouf (Aboo-Mas-goof ): Fish Roast Papa
      2016 Hobie Outback
      2012 Hobie Revolution 13
      "Be humble to whomever you learn from and whomever you teach."-- Imam al-Sadiq (as)


      • #4
        x2....CONGRATS to all! I know the conditions weren't as nice as they could've been, and to top it off the high pressure system that moved in I'm sure didn't help. I would love to get out and get on some of the region's bigger trout and redfish.

        Thanks for the update; sounds like it was a good time!


        • #5
          Way to go fellas! I missed out once again but heard it was a good time. I'm making time for it next year


          • #6
            it was a great tournament in a beautiful location surrounded by water on three sides. The food was awesome (but I don't think the crawfish are gong to run the blue crab watermen out of business lol). It was at least my third CCA, and these folks deserve all the support we can give them. As always, there was some great fellowship to be had, and a true honor to been around these excellent fishermen and fisher women. I will say that I am very encouraged by the amount of juvenile speckled trout and stripers I encountered pre fishing and during the tournament. We should have some awesome fishing the next couple of years. Let's hope we have a mild winter, and all of us should support CCA's efforts to crack down on poachers. Our Natural Resource Officers are very professional and fair people, but they need our help reporting the few bad apples.

