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Knots wars

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  • #16
    I had the knot wars app on my old phone but have not been able to find it to put on my new phone.


    • #17
      When I first learned to fish, I used the Palomar knot extensively and kept using it for a couple of years. Then I learned about the loop knot (specifically canoe man) and loved the ease of tying it and the action it gave the lure. Even though I use mono for my leader I did have the knot slip and lost a couple of fish. So to make it more secure, I added two hitch knots on the tag end after trying and never had a issue afterwards.

      A couple of weeks ago I came across the lefty loop knot and really liked it. It's a little more complicated than the canoe man, but seeing how it has elements of a cinch knot, I don't think it would have an issue of slipping like I experienced with the canoe man. So I'm adapting to it and will see how it goes.

      For tying leader I use a double surgeon's knot, but also came across the FG knot a while back and I'm looking to switching. Like Big Mike, it's straight forward to tie on the couch. So I need to make that my prep knot when I'm getting my gear ready the day before. But for on the water the double surgeon's knot is quick for me.

      Here is a good video of how to tie the FG knot (also from salt strong)

      And here it is again at regular speed (guy looks totally different with a beard!)

      Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
      ابو مسقوف AbuMasgouf (Aboo-Mas-goof ): Fish Roast Papa
      2016 Hobie Outback
      2012 Hobie Revolution 13
      "Be humble to whomever you learn from and whomever you teach."-- Imam al-Sadiq (as)

