Am I missing something, and I am being serious and not feciosus, is there a reason for J-cradles over deck down. I get it if you a a bunch of mounted rod holders and other paraphernalia on the deck making J-cradles an obvious choice, but if your deck is clean, wouldn't deck down be easier to mount, less precarious and obviously cheaper? I see tons of stripped yaks mounted in j-cradles and always wonder why. I had them and they were a pain in the butt to load a yak, you basically have to do a deadlift followed by a weird shoulder press to get it on. I get the two yak thing, but I see tons of single in j-cradles. Are they safer? Because anytime I used them, I had two things to worry about, the yak and the cradles. Every time I used them, after strapping down the yak, I would always said to
myself, "Hmmmm, is that really going to work?" Also, taking that damn j-cradle sail across the Bay Bridge on windy days caused many white knuckle trips, something I never worried about deck down.
Something I'm pondering before I head out on the great morning.
myself, "Hmmmm, is that really going to work?" Also, taking that damn j-cradle sail across the Bay Bridge on windy days caused many white knuckle trips, something I never worried about deck down.
Something I'm pondering before I head out on the great morning.