Here's the very first look at my brand new jigging book. These are the proof copies that are the first to roll off the presses. I couldn't be happier with them. I put my heart and soul into every detail over the past 2 years and I'm really looking forward to getting these into your hands. Thanks for all the love over the years. I'm very happy to contribute to our story of fishing on the Chesapeake. Just like we troll differently from kayaks, we jig differently too -- I felt this was a story that needed to be told. 392 pages packed with illustrations and the best information I could give on the subject.
I'm donating a couple copies to the CBKA tournament in a few weeks, so it'll be a good chance to take a peek! The planned release date is Rocktober 1st!
I'm donating a couple copies to the CBKA tournament in a few weeks, so it'll be a good chance to take a peek! The planned release date is Rocktober 1st!