Thinking about pulling the trigger on my first yak and leaning towards the Vibe Sea Ghost 130. I've read a lot of good reviews and watched many Youtube videos that people have posted about this boat. Looking for feedback from anyone local that has one or can share any info that they have regarding them. Thanks.
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Vibe Sea Ghost 130
I have a Seaghost 130 and I love it. Very stable and tracks very well. The layout is good and has more than enough storage for me. I like that it has mounts for Scotty Rod Holders in the lid. The seat is comfortable but could use a little more padding. I’ve never tried to stand in mine but I’ve read about plenty of people doing it. The included paddle is garbage so plan on getting a new one. I don’t use the rudder but I think I’ll set it up this year to see if it makes a difference a lot of people reverse the spring so it stays down.
The only upgrade I’ve done so far was to add the piston and hinge so I can raise the lid up and it stays in place it makes it easier to access the storage area . It’s a very solid boat and I have never had to drain any water out of it. I think it’s a solid yak and a great choice. If you have any other questions DM me and I’ll be more than happy to help.Keith
2015 Sand Hobie Outback
2017 Orange Camo Vibe Sea Ghost 130
2015 Camo Ascend FS12T
I bought one last year.
After paddling a 10ft Perception Pescador for many years.
My Pescador was heavily modified, as it was not built as a fishing kayak.
With that being said.. I found the Vibe kayak to be very well designed for fishing.
@Yakmac said.. about standing up in the yak.. I have not either.
And there isn't a lot of deck space for standing up with the center console position.
I don't think standing up is very important for the conditions around here... I think it is more of "flats" fishing thing for the guys in Florida. A quote from a master kayak fishmen once said... "If you want to stand up in a kayak buy a barge."
@gshappell mentioned basic stability.
I have found the "130" to be very stable. I had boat waves over my head last year. And taken many waves parallel to the yak. I felt very comfortable.
The seat has two height positions... I never use the higher one.
One thing to consider.. while the Vibe "130" is on the low side for weight in it's size category..
how will you get the kayak to your fishing spot.
My 10ft Pescador I could pickup and toss on the roof racks.
The Vibe is only 20 pounds heavier... but it's extra width doesn't allow me to do this..
Although I am not a strapping young fellow anymore.. maybe years ago I could.
I put a 2x3 across my racks... lift one end of the yak up.. then the other.
Works great.
Do you really need 13feet of yak ? Maybe a small one will work.
There are few fellows here that have bought a smaller kayak for their quick trip needs.
You are going to need a kayak cart... you can buy one.. or make one like the
Palmetto Kayak Cart (is what I made).
Detailed instructions here...
The Palmetto cart dimensions.. fits perfectly in the "slots" on the bottom of the Vibe.
Rudders... well I never had one before... you don't really need one with a smaller yak..
although I like it when traversing long distances with a cross wind. It does help in other situations.
I often troll four rods.. and when fish spins the yak around.. or the wind pushes you back across your lines you will get line hang-ups on the rudder.
But this is the situation with any rudder "paddle" yak.. I have learned to pull the rudder up in those situations.
Complaints (not mine.)
The rudder line "catch" wears out. I have not had that problem yet. Don't see this as a problem in the long run as a fix would be easy.
The included paddle. Don't know.. never used the one they gave me.. looks fine to me.. and if you never had a yak before I doubt you would even know better.
I am still using my upgrade paddle (years ago) for my Pesacdor (about $70 from Dick's). Which I broke in half the first month years ago in surf at Ocean City. Which I pieced back together with a tube from an old umbrella.
The provided Vibe paddle is probably better than what I am using.
You probably are going to make some rear rod holders... some call them "rocket launchers."
Here is a link to what I made...
There are lots of designs for "rocket launchers" depending.. and rod holders.
In conclusion I am very happy with my Sea Ghost 130... I was very particular with the design I wanted.Last edited by rob-kayak; 02-25-2019, 04:48 AM.
Reversing the rudder "spring"... I thought about this in the beginning..
I never had a rudder before... I think your other kayaks have one..
So you know what you prefer.
Personally... now that I have had the yak for numerous trips, I like the rudder to spring out of the water as opposed to having to pull the rudder out. ie one quick motion to release the rudder.
Also when in storage or transporting... the rudder is in the collapsed position at "rest."
But those are my preferences.
Tightlines :-)
I've had the Sea Ghost for a few years now, and I love it for all the reasons others have mentioned. The stability and tracking are excellent, and it is easy to paddle despite its size. I had issues with the paddle coming apart, so I just went ahead and bought a better one. I hear the new paddles are better than the ones from a few years ago, but I haven't used one. Overall, I'm very satisfied with mine.Joe
2020 Vibe Shearwater 125
Has anybody purchased the 2019 model Sea Ghost 130? After months and months of thinking and reading and waiting, I'm considering pulling the trigger on one of the new 2019 models. I've watched all of the videos and read the reviews and whatnot, but I'd love a firsthand account of someone with experience. I'm particularly curious about moving it from one place to another with the weight being 75lbs. To make a long story short I live in Baltimore City and would have to manipulate this through a back alley (sounds super shady right) in order to get it into my backyard. Curioius about how tough that could be considering the length and weight. Any insight would be great. Thanks!Matt
Instagram: @sunrisekayakfishing
2019 Vibe Sea Ghost 130- "The Blurple Nurple"
10' Pelican Angler 100- "The Starter Kit"
I think a cart would be a must in your situation. I use the C-Tug with my Sea Ghost and it works really well. There's also the Sea Ghost 110, which might be easier to maneuver through an alley since it's shorter and lighter. The cockpit area on the 110 is the same as the 130, which is nice, but it doesn't have the same front and rear storage space.Joe
2020 Vibe Shearwater 125
I think what other people have mentioned in the thread pretty much sums it up.
and you going to need a cart, plain and simple... going to the back yard or from your car to the launch.
and as I mentioned above...
Getting it on the roof of the car..
The Vibe is only 20 pounds heavier... but it's extra width doesn't allow me to do this..
Although I am not a strapping young fellow anymore.. maybe years ago I could.
I put a 2x3 across my racks... lift one end of the yak up.. then the other.
Works great.
That is how I strap the 2x3 to the roof racks. Quick and simple strap down. Tried long velcro straps in the beginning... don't work as well.
I cut the 2x3 down about 4inches.. and with that extra piece, screwed it on the one end.. sort of stopper, to keep the kayak from sliding off the end.
If you have a pickup truck.. then what I just said is for others to consider.
Originally posted by rob-kayak View Post.
Getting it on the roof of the car..
The only I would add to my statement is that I bought these long.. rubber, twist ties from Homedepot.
That is how I strap the 2x3 to the roof racks. Quick and simple strap down. Tried long velcro straps in the beginning... don't work as well.
I cut the 2x3 down about 4inches.. and with that extra piece, screwed it on the one end.. sort of stopper, to keep the kayak from sliding off the end.Matt
Instagram: @sunrisekayakfishing
2019 Vibe Sea Ghost 130- "The Blurple Nurple"
10' Pelican Angler 100- "The Starter Kit"
not right now as far as pics..
hopefully I'll get out in a few days and take pics.
It is so simple... and works very well.
I have the mechanics of the process that the bow end comes off the front of the car..
and on the ground...
and with the stern still on the rear 2x3.....
then gets dropped right on to my cart.
I transport the 2x3... and my paddle together.. that is I lash the 2x3 to my paddle with the rubber twist ties.
Paddle and 2x3 go in the car together...
I just got a 2018 sea ghost 110. Really liking it so far, but only have taken it out once. Was able to stand up a few times. I'm 6 2, 190. Felt pretty stable. But I come from a Sit inside loon that you wouldn't dare try standing.
The 110 is light enough to carry, just a little awkward.
I saw someone at a launch using something like this to van top their canoe. Not sure if you have a tow hitch on your RAV 4: Old Town Loon 111
Vibe Sea Ghost 110 - TeamGreen
I love my Seaghost 130 when I feel like paddling. Never had any issues it track great and is easy to load into the back of my truck.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkKeith
2015 Sand Hobie Outback
2017 Orange Camo Vibe Sea Ghost 130
2015 Camo Ascend FS12T
Originally posted by DuffDynasty View PostThinking about pulling the trigger on my first yak and leaning towards the Vibe Sea Ghost 130. I've read a lot of good reviews and watched many Youtube videos that people have posted about this boat. Looking for feedback from anyone local that has one or can share any info that they have regarding them. Thanks.John
Ocean Kayak Trident 13 Angler (Sand)
MK Endura Max 55 backup power
Vibe Skipjack 90
Graduate of the University of the Republic of South Vietnam, class of 1972
Originally posted by Yakmac View PostI love my Seaghost 130 when I feel like paddling. Never had any issues it track great and is easy to load into the back of my truck.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkMatt
Instagram: @sunrisekayakfishing
2019 Vibe Sea Ghost 130- "The Blurple Nurple"
10' Pelican Angler 100- "The Starter Kit"
Vibe Sea Ghost 130
Originally posted by YakMan1731 View PostThat's great to hear! I appreciate everyone's feedback. After hearing from you all, talking with folks on Instagram who own one, watching review videos, and reading a bunch of articles, I think I'm going to go down to Big Bass USA next weekend and go for it. I'd heard the owner Chris was a great guy, and my phone conversation with him was excellent, so I feel good about all aspects. Thank you all for the input. I have kayak fished from cheap sit insides for 16 years, and it'll be so exhilirating to finally have a high quality, well-reveiwed, durable angler's kayak. I'm stoked!Annapolis
2018 Vibe Sea Ghost 110
Wilderness Systems Pungo 120 - For when the fish aren't biting