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CBBT 10/7-10 and 14-17

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  • CBBT 10/7-10 and 14-17

    Ok ........... got the bug right now .......... as I said before, 14th - 17th. I just realized that next weekend is a Holiday weekend. Columbus Day on the 10th.

    Sooooo .......... thinking seriously about going down that weekend too ........

    Who's in .......... 1 can drive with me if you want or drive yourself .......

    Looks like the specs are in ........ reds moving in and the tog .......

    Some of the best oysters should be getting there although they are best when the water gets cold ..........

    And a cheap but beautiful place to stay ........

    Who's in ......

    Oh ..... and here's the fishing report from Cherrystone ........
    Last edited by Memory Maker; 09-30-2011, 10:31 AM.

  • #2
    Are you still going, MM? Several of us will be there this weekend. Kipto on Fri and Sat. Maybe CBBT on Sunday am. If so, hope you can join us.
    2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
    2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
    2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


    • #3
      Originally posted by tufnik View Post
      Are you still going, MM? Several of us will be there this weekend. Kipto on Fri and Sat. Maybe CBBT on Sunday am. If so, hope you can join us.
      Call me 410 215 5123 ......... going down today but I was staying at Lynn Haven but I can call to see if I can get a reservation at the camp ground on Sat if necessary ........ but please call so we an discuss ......


      • #4
        Lynnhaven Inlet should be dynamite this time of year and protected against any winds- puppy drum and speckled trout up the wazoo- around the bridge in and around the mouth of the inlet you can catch about anything from monster blues, rocks to big reds- but not predictably. You usually are surprised by the variety of the catch. Same thing around the mouth of Rudee Inlet and the rock jetties at the mouth- I caught a six pound flounder drifting a fish finder strip bait by the rocks on the inside of the inlet and a forty pound cobia just off the point of the south rock jetty fishing with a live corn cob mullet on a float rig- it has been a few years ago but that illustrates the variety- also lots of big king, Cero and Spanish mackerel can be caught within a hundred yards of the beach float fishing live bunker and corn cob mullet from Rudee Inlet all the way south to Sandbridge- this is the peak of the fall migration and any thing is possible- from Tarpon to Bull Dolphin- if the winds are from the south or west the ocean will be calm several hundred yards off the beach- I would fish the ocean side off the beach with live bait- NW or NE winds, I would fish inside the inlets-
        "Lady Luck" 2016 Red Hibiscus Hobie Outback, Lowrance Hook2-7TS
        2018 Seagrass Green Hobie Compass, Humminbird 798 ci HD SI
        "Wet Dream" 2011 yellow Ocean Prowler 13
        Charter member of Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club


        • #5
          Got your last message after I got home today, MM. Heard you got some good sized trout early Saturday morning.

          Spent six hours on the water at Rudee Inlet Saturday. Well protected area with little wind gusts. Fairly calm waters. Some clouds. Quite a number of fishing boats around the inlet area.

          Jigged a bucktail with a Gulp sandworm and caught a short flounder along the north jetty. Watched the other fisherman and saw them catch small stuff (looked like perch, croaker, or speck). Also, I dragged a tandem rig with shrimp and quartered blue crab, but caught nothing.
          2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
          2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
          2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


          • #6
            Yeah .......... went out with Chad Hoover and Marty Mood ....... they said that the winds would be pretty bad but there was a window and the only place they thought would be fishable was about an hour's drive from VB. I honestly don't know where we were ....... just west.

            Had a great time .......... if you EVER get the privelege to fish with these guys ...... drop everthing and do it ......... great guys and they REALLY know their stuff .......

            The wind wasn't bad going out and the cold front made fishing tough. didn't get a bite for the 1st hour or so ........ tried a bunch of stuff but nothing. Then saw some pelicans diving and then some baitfish ........ Marty caught 2 small ones on gulp about 20 minutes apart ........ I gave up on the gulp and started using a windcheater ...... caught a 21" spec on the second cast .... then a flounder .... I gave Marty the same lure and he was off to the races. Chad joined us and started catching .......... the bite lasted a couple of hours from the 1st spec till we quit around 10.

            The grass was everywhere ....... trick was to keep the lure just above the grass. Unfortunately, I caught grass on 9 of 10 casts ..... Marty didn't. The wind was also a problem .......... you would only get 2 casts before the wind pushed you out of the area and you had to peddle back ......... used the Parknpole for the first time and man is that thing great even in the 4+ft water ........ it easily pushed into both sand and mud and held firm against a 20+ wind ....... could feel it bending but never pulled out or let go ...... worth every dime ......

            Final count Chad 3 (came late to where we were fishing), Marty 15+ ..... me, 2 specs and a very agressive flounder 17 1/4 " .........

            When we left the wind was really picking up, directly in our faces and we were fighting a 1-2 ft whitecapped chop .......... the way back kicked this old man's ass ........ but hey ...... would LOVE to do it again (only when rested)

            Chad is also an incredible photographer ......... he got a couple of amazing shots of Marty's siloute (spelling) against the breaking dawn ....... might see it in some article or advertising ..........

            Oh ..... Oh ......... almost forgot ......... the forum (club) is getting a discount from Hook1, ...... will post about this later when I get more details

            Sorry I didn't join you guys Sat night but was whipped ........ went over to Chads to pick up some engines .......... Came home Sunday
            Last edited by Memory Maker; 10-17-2011, 10:12 AM.


            • #7
              That's a good sized speck. Congrats!

              You'll have to get that location so we can fish there some day.

              You didn't miss much Saturday night at HRBT. Wind and chops picked up. Very uncomfortable, so we fished only 2 1/2 hrs. Came in at midnight. I took a snooze in the car and then left for home Sunday morning.
              2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
              2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


              • #8
                NICE Speck!! You have taken over the #1 spot on the leaderboard, besting Moc's 18.5 inch speck. Sounds like a great outing. I don't know marty, but I know he placed at TKAA. And Chad is a class act. I dealt with him as a sponsor for our CBKA Tournament, he really loves the sport of kayak fishing!!


                • #9
                  Spec Picture

                  Picture of the spec
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Rick, nice spec! What happened to your key west kayak/biker hat/scarf thing? Your hair is getting messed up!
                    Used to fish more.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Redfish12 View Post
                      Rick, nice spec! What happened to your key west kayak/biker hat/scarf thing? Your hair is getting messed up!
                      yeah i didn't recognize you without it after watching the mattawoman catfish video a number of times.. lol


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Redfish12 View Post
                        Rick, nice spec! What happened to your key west kayak/biker hat/scarf thing? Your hair is getting messed up!
                        But he's still got hair!

                        Nice fish, Rick!!!


                        • #13
                          Nice fish!
                          <insert witty comment here>


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Redfish12 View Post
                            Rick, nice spec! What happened to your key west kayak/biker hat/scarf thing? Your hair is getting messed up!
                            That hat thing was great at keeping the sweat out of my eyes and my head cool .......... might not look great but it sure did the job ........ was 1 of those facemasks for the sun ......... and yeah ...... I need a haircut


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Memory Maker View Post
                              Picture of the spec
                              Great spec Rick! Did you eat him yet? How did you prepare your tastey meal?

