Here are the 4 current options on the table for this year's striped bass regulations. These are all "conservation equivalency" proposals, and NOT on the table is the most commonsense option recommended by the Atlantic States Marine Fishery Commission. CE is code for looking for fuzzy math to take reductions on paper that don't occur in reality.
For example, they are still going after the very low impact spring catch and release, where they'll apply a 9% mortality rather than the much lower mortality that their own studies suggest....this gets them a larger reduction on paper than occurs in reality. We want real reductions, and many of us feel these options won't even get us close. I've made notes in several other areas on this graphic, but let us know what you think as far as these options are concerned.
There is a public meeting tomorrow, Jan 9th at 6PM, where you can voice your concerns. Calvary United Methodist Church, 301 Rowe Boulevard, Annapolis, MD 21401
If you can't make it, PLEASE send your comments to:
I have a big problem with DNR favoring certain businesses over others. We, recreational anglers, are a $440,000,000 economic impact in Maryland alone and are treated like second class citizens because we don't have a large unified voice. The secretary of DNR comes from a family of waterman, so no surprise how things have erred on anti conservation and pro harvest.
DNR Options.jpg
For example, they are still going after the very low impact spring catch and release, where they'll apply a 9% mortality rather than the much lower mortality that their own studies suggest....this gets them a larger reduction on paper than occurs in reality. We want real reductions, and many of us feel these options won't even get us close. I've made notes in several other areas on this graphic, but let us know what you think as far as these options are concerned.
There is a public meeting tomorrow, Jan 9th at 6PM, where you can voice your concerns. Calvary United Methodist Church, 301 Rowe Boulevard, Annapolis, MD 21401
If you can't make it, PLEASE send your comments to:
I have a big problem with DNR favoring certain businesses over others. We, recreational anglers, are a $440,000,000 economic impact in Maryland alone and are treated like second class citizens because we don't have a large unified voice. The secretary of DNR comes from a family of waterman, so no surprise how things have erred on anti conservation and pro harvest.
DNR Options.jpg