Hello all,
Tonight is the final Budget Town Hall. Please come and Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman in person, in public, to put public water access in his FY21 budget.
The District 5 Budget Town Hall is tonight / Wednesday, January 29 2020, from 6:30 to 8 pm at Severna Park High School in Severna Park MD.
You can attend any Budget Town Hall, you are not limited to your home district. This is both the District 5 Budget Town Hall and the "clean-up" meeting for all who couldn't turn out earlier in the month.
Please come, sign in and get your two minutes to speak. Those two minutes go by fast and it's a friendly crowd.
Suggested requests:
1) finish Beverly Triton Beach Park ASAP - the construction schedule is almost 35 years long.
2) put money for Mayo Beach Park renovations in the budget and open Mayo Beach Paqrk 7 am to dusk all year round like the rest of the county parks so you can take your kids and grandkids swimming and easily launch your kayaks there.
3) Valentine Creek Park is 28 acres on the upper Severn, bought by the county in 2018. Open it and create a kayak launch.
4) Make a kayak launch in South River Farm Park
I will see you tonight at the District 5 Budget Town Hall in Severna Park. Location address and other information below.
Thank you,
Lisa Arrasmith, Chair
The Public Water Access Committee
District 5 Councilwoman Amanda Fiedler amanda.fiedler@aacounty.org
District 5 Budget Town Hall
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Severna Park Middle School Cafeteria, 450 Jumpers Hole Road, Severna Park MD 21146
Tonight is the final Budget Town Hall. Please come and Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman in person, in public, to put public water access in his FY21 budget.
The District 5 Budget Town Hall is tonight / Wednesday, January 29 2020, from 6:30 to 8 pm at Severna Park High School in Severna Park MD.
You can attend any Budget Town Hall, you are not limited to your home district. This is both the District 5 Budget Town Hall and the "clean-up" meeting for all who couldn't turn out earlier in the month.
Please come, sign in and get your two minutes to speak. Those two minutes go by fast and it's a friendly crowd.
Suggested requests:
1) finish Beverly Triton Beach Park ASAP - the construction schedule is almost 35 years long.
2) put money for Mayo Beach Park renovations in the budget and open Mayo Beach Paqrk 7 am to dusk all year round like the rest of the county parks so you can take your kids and grandkids swimming and easily launch your kayaks there.
3) Valentine Creek Park is 28 acres on the upper Severn, bought by the county in 2018. Open it and create a kayak launch.
4) Make a kayak launch in South River Farm Park
I will see you tonight at the District 5 Budget Town Hall in Severna Park. Location address and other information below.
Thank you,
Lisa Arrasmith, Chair
The Public Water Access Committee
District 5 Councilwoman Amanda Fiedler amanda.fiedler@aacounty.org
District 5 Budget Town Hall
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Severna Park Middle School Cafeteria, 450 Jumpers Hole Road, Severna Park MD 21146