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  • #61
    Originally posted by loupa5 View Post
    Would outside the Bay trips be feasible? If I want to go for bigger game (e.g., tuna out in the ocean), the mother ship approach is the way to go for obvious safety reasons.
    My thoughts as well, fishing for tuna could lead into a tiresome battle and who knows how many miles traveled afterward. Capturing the battle though, on video...would be priceless.[/QUOTE]

    i was watching some kayak fishing show on nbc sports network the other day. they were fishing for some gamefish, maybe tuna, but cant recall. he had a mothership obviously and an hour or more of being towed around, he had to hand off the rod to the boat bc he was tired. BEST part was though, he didnt even have a paddle on the kayak(it was not a hobie too)! not even sure he hooked it on the kayak.


    • #62
      Originally posted by stupidjet View Post
      My thoughts as well, fishing for tuna could lead into a tiresome battle and who knows how many miles traveled afterward. Capturing the battle though, on video...would be priceless.

      i was watching some kayak fishing show on nbc sports network the other day. they were fishing for some gamefish, maybe tuna, but cant recall. he had a mothership obviously and an hour or more of being towed around, he had to hand off the rod to the boat bc he was tired. BEST part was though, he didnt even have a paddle on the kayak(it was not a hobie too)! not even sure he hooked it on the kayak.[/QUOTE]

      It was Jim Sammons on Extreme Kayak Fishing Challenge... They go down to Baja where the big game fish are only a couple of miles off of the coast. Great show.
      2010 Hobie Outback


      • #63
        Maybe hit the gas docks for Stripers? Not sure how much fun it would be in a yak due to all of the boats there in season but a mother ship would make it easier.


        • #64
          Lighthouse and Triangle wrecks would be great trips...
          2010 Hobie Outback


          • #65
            Hey that sounds good. Price is right also.


            • #66
              Going to the light tower or triangle wrecks would be fun. Blackfin would be nice bc we can keep them.
              Used to fish more.


              • #67
                Cove Point LNG Docks....Off Limits

                Originally posted by nay_sayer View Post
                Maybe hit the gas docks for Stripers? Not sure how much fun it would be in a yak due to all of the boats there in season but a mother ship would make it easier.
                If nay sayer is referring to the LNG Docks at Cove Point, those are off limits to small craft, and any vessel without authorization. There is a rectangular perimeter around the docks that is buoyed on all four corners, by a white marker and all vessels must stay out of that area. They are quite diligent about videotaping intrusions and enforcement. The distance of offset is about 500yds, on the western (shoreward) side the line is approximately along the ten foot depth line, deeper than that and you are too close.


                • #68
                  Booking A Mothership/Ferry

                  A couple of folks have stated, " Put me on your List." The way this works for me is to contact me (1) by email to, (2) telephone to (301)904-0471, or contact me by private message this forum.

                  Describe what trip you have in mind, have a month or week so we can pick a date, and ask lots of questions. The booking is made when the deposit is received.

                  I think most guides operate in this fashion, and I think when we start mothership/ferrying there will be a gaggle of guides and possibly others jumping into the biz....which will give kayakers many options.....not a bad thing.


                  • #69
                    What would likely be the first trip? Target fish? In March or April? Where?

                    Some suggestions for the first trip:

                    - Target big togs at some wreck (e.g., Triangle)
                    - Since season closes Apr 16, may want 1st trip by late March

                    - Target big drum (I think Mar/Apr is good)
                    - Fisherman's Island or some other far place

                    Of course, you can also go for other fish during Spring (Blackfin? Sheephead? Specks? Flounder in March? C&R stripers?)
                    2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                    2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                    2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


                    • #70
                      Availability to Mothership/Ferry

                      OK, before it gets too crazy, here is my general schedule of fishing and where I intend to be taking folks.

                      Now to late March, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant out of Solomons Md, Late March thru May 3rd Susquehanna Flats out of Anchor Marine Northeast Md, May-Oct Middle Ches Bay, Pax & Potomac Rivers, After Oct we are chasing fish and birds down the Bay, possibly CBBT into Dec.

                      My travels are not limited to this schedule, just my overall game plan.


                      • #71
                        For trips down to CBBT where would you launch, how long would it take to get there and does the cost go up?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Capt Brady Bounds View Post
                          OK, before it gets too crazy, here is my general schedule of fishing and where I intend to be taking folks.

                          Now to late March, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant out of Solomons Md, Late March thru May 3rd Susquehanna Flats out of Anchor Marine Northeast Md, May-Oct Middle Ches Bay, Pax & Potomac Rivers, After Oct we are chasing fish and birds down the Bay, possibly CBBT into Dec.

                          My travels are not limited to this schedule, just my overall game plan.
                          Frankly, I don't really see a big draw to the first part of the schedule. We can drive to and park near the Power Plant, launch, and paddle a mile or so to the Power Plant. We can also drive near the Susque, launch and paddle out to the Flats. The Pax and Potomac Rivers are also relatively easy to get to via car/yak.

                          Am I missing something here?

                          The Middle Ches Bay is harder to get to by yak alone, so the Ferry/Mothership Service is needed here. Chasing birds down the Bay via the Services would also be good. Yakers can go to the 1st Island (3 miles) at the CBBT, but there are other areas around the CBBT (beyond the 1st Island) where the Service is needed.

                          To me, the biggest draw for the Service would be to places like Triangle Wrecks (I think it's about 15-18 miles from VB) or C. Bay Light Tower (13 miles from VB). Inshore/offshore areas, wrecks or other ground structures that draw fish and are far from shore would be places where the Service is needed.

                          Guys, am I missing the point? Or does this make sense?
                          2015 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                          2011 Hobie Outback (yellow)
                          2009 OK Prowler Trident 13 Angler (orange)


                          • #73
                            I agree with Tufnik.
                            Interstate Kayak Fishing


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Capt Brady Bounds View Post
                              If nay sayer is referring to the LNG Docks at Cove Point, those are off limits to small craft, and any vessel without authorization. There is a rectangular perimeter around the docks that is buoyed on all four corners, by a white marker and all vessels must stay out of that area. They are quite diligent about videotaping intrusions and enforcement. The distance of offset is about 500yds, on the western (shoreward) side the line is approximately along the ten foot depth line, deeper than that and you are too close.
                              I don't want to stand on the gas docks or jig their pilings, I want to fish the bay around the gas dock area from the yak since they are one of the most productive areas in the bay for big Stripers. I know the 500 yd rule and that's part of the problem with getting out to the Stripers with the yak, it makes it that much further from the launch to the fishing grounds. This is why I suggested the MS/ferry service for this area.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by tufnik View Post
                                Frankly, I don't really see a big draw to the first part of the schedule. We can drive to and park near the Power Plant, launch, and paddle a mile or so to the Power Plant. We can also drive near the Susque, launch and paddle out to the Flats. The Pax and Potomac Rivers are also relatively easy to get to via car/yak.

                                Am I missing something here?

                                The Middle Ches Bay is harder to get to by yak alone, so the Ferry/Mothership Service is needed here. Chasing birds down the Bay via the Services would also be good. Yakers can go to the 1st Island (3 miles) at the CBBT, but there are other areas around the CBBT (beyond the 1st Island) where the Service is needed.

                                To me, the biggest draw for the Service would be to places like Triangle Wrecks (I think it's about 15-18 miles from VB) or C. Bay Light Tower (13 miles from VB). Inshore/offshore areas, wrecks or other ground structures that draw fish and are far from shore would be places where the Service is needed.

                                Guys, am I missing the point? Or does this make sense?
                                I understand the desire to fish the CBBT, the second, third and fourth islands and the pilings. I think I can find a local or Eastern Shore based guide that would be willing to take you there. At the present, I do not provide service there, for a variety of solid reasons, but not the least of which it is a five hour commute one way for me to get there. But I am willing to refer you to a competent guide. Same for the offshore wrecks, Triangle, Ches Bay Light Tower,Jackspot, Little Gull Bank, etc. These are not my venue, and as this service is in it's infancy, I'm going to serve kayakers in the geographic areas where I am most knowledgeable, to fish and travel.

                                If you can travel to Flag Ponds, convince the park rangers that you should be allowed to launch there, carry the yaks and gear down a steep graded road for 3/8ths of a mile , launch and paddle a mile or so to the CCNPP discharge, and fish there, etc and return, I say "Bully" for you, more power to ya !Or ya could travel to Cove Pt Lighthouse, launch near the lighthouse and paddle three miles north to the CCNPP and do it that way, Same to ya !

                                My observations spanning twenty years of guiding the area , is that very few yaks go there. And I'm going out on a limb here and say there's probably a reason that deters folks from yaking there, whatever it is. If I can, through my mothership/ferry service resolve that deterence, then please consider me. Thirteen statue miles from Solomons Ramp to CCNPP , (drop you there, and return later for pickup) total of 52mi., times the ferry rate of $1.25 equals $65 per kayak with a minimum of two kayaks needed. I would dare say that is cheaper than if you hired a taxi to take you there by car and perform the same service. But, it might be that my offering of service does not appeal to some folks and that is OK. "Different strokes for different folks," and it's all good.

