Sorry I didn't make it down to the M&G Yesteday at Jonas Green on the Severn. I had planned on coming to say high and show everyone the numbers as well as show everyone the copies of the Money Orders... It was just to damn COLD and windy. So, I'm just going to post the breakdown here. I called Jim from HOW on my way home from the Swap Meet to give him the Numbers. Here they are:
Door (Admission Donation) $526.00
Vendor Raffle Items $58.00
Custom Rod Raffle $240.00
Donations from bucket at door $64.00
Donation to bring even # (by me) $12.00
The grand Total was $900 sent to HOW via Money Order last week. Thanks again to everyone for all the hard work. I am looking to make our first official outing by May 1st. I will be contacting those folks that have expressed an interest is being a part of the leadership team to give everyone their Paperwork to fill out. I've started a list of poeple who have an extra Yak and gear to use as well.
I Hope this is the last page and link started on the Swap Meet.
Thanks again everyone.
Door (Admission Donation) $526.00
Vendor Raffle Items $58.00
Custom Rod Raffle $240.00
Donations from bucket at door $64.00
Donation to bring even # (by me) $12.00
The grand Total was $900 sent to HOW via Money Order last week. Thanks again to everyone for all the hard work. I am looking to make our first official outing by May 1st. I will be contacting those folks that have expressed an interest is being a part of the leadership team to give everyone their Paperwork to fill out. I've started a list of poeple who have an extra Yak and gear to use as well.
I Hope this is the last page and link started on the Swap Meet.
Thanks again everyone.