Since crunching long term datasets is my specialty at work I've been keeping track of all the data from my GPS since I got it in September 2010. I was bored last night, so I finally I entered the mileage from all my trips into a spreadsheet. I think I accidentally deleted some trip data before downloading it, but these are probably pretty close to the true numbers.
Total miles since September 2010: 307.6
Total miles in 2010: 28.5 (September to December)
Total miles in 2011: 250.6
Total miles in 2012: 28.5 (To date. I'm a bit behind compared to last year.)
Shortest trip: 0.8 miles
Average trip: 4.8 miles
Longest trip: 13.4 miles
2011 stats for my most frequented spots:
Piney Point: 14 trips, 72.7 miles
Point Lookout: 5 trips, 33.8 miles
St. Jerome's Creek: 4 trips, 35.1 miles
St. Mary's Lake: 6 trips, 17.6 miles
Who says you can't quantify fun?
I wish I had a GPS when I first got my kayak and I fished 3-4 days a week in the Patuxent River.
Notice that I don't keep track of my tackle expenditures or the gallons of gas consumed driving to various places.
I should keep track of the numbers and lengths of the fish I catch, but I don't have an automated way of doing that. Plus, that's starting to feel like work.
A smart phone app for that would be cool, but I don't have a smart phone.
I bet the tog hunters rack up some miles in the saddle. Does anyone else keep track of the distances they've covered? What other kind of information do you record?
Total miles since September 2010: 307.6
Total miles in 2010: 28.5 (September to December)
Total miles in 2011: 250.6
Total miles in 2012: 28.5 (To date. I'm a bit behind compared to last year.)
Shortest trip: 0.8 miles
Average trip: 4.8 miles
Longest trip: 13.4 miles
2011 stats for my most frequented spots:
Piney Point: 14 trips, 72.7 miles
Point Lookout: 5 trips, 33.8 miles
St. Jerome's Creek: 4 trips, 35.1 miles
St. Mary's Lake: 6 trips, 17.6 miles
Who says you can't quantify fun?

I wish I had a GPS when I first got my kayak and I fished 3-4 days a week in the Patuxent River.
Notice that I don't keep track of my tackle expenditures or the gallons of gas consumed driving to various places.

I bet the tog hunters rack up some miles in the saddle. Does anyone else keep track of the distances they've covered? What other kind of information do you record?