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Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Wrap Up

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  • Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree Wrap Up

    The First Annual Susquehanna Flats Kayak Fishing Jamboree is now officially in the books! And Yes, I did say "First Annual!" The event turned out better than I could have ever hoped. I was humbled by the response I received from everyone who registered and all the sponsors who stepped up with donations of goods, money and services to help raise money for Heroes On The Water. I don't have a final total yet, there are still a couple final invoices and checks passing in the mail, but I want to let all of you know that the amount is going to exceed $2100.00!!!!! I will update this post with the final tally once everything settles out.

    So how did it all pan out? Officially there were 58 registered participants, representing 6 states and 2 countries! Yup , we had Rob and Eric make the trip all the way from Ottawa, Ontario Canada, eh!
    New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia and of course Maryland were all represented. The campground was just about taken over by all attendees of the Jamboree, and there was a strong local presence as word got out.

    The event was supported by over thirty sponsors with everything from gear to captains bags and the food. Captains bags were available for every participant, along with an event shirt with artwork designed and provided by Maria Kourkoutas. Dupont Performance Polymers Kalrez picked up the tab for dinner. My friend Bob Little provided his services in cooking the pig to perfection for all to enjoy. Salads, rolls and desserts were provided by Nana's Kitchen of Elkton Maryland, the BBQ Pig was butchered and provided by Galvinell Meat Co of Rising Sun Maryland. Both provided the food at cost to help us raise as much as possible as we could for HOW.

    The group was welcomed and and treated to very courteous and professional service by the Rangers at Susquehanna State Park Campground. The facilities were top notch and very well maintained. The indiviual campsites were all level and well groomed.

    So, how did the fishing go?

    Friday may have been the better of the two days for those who came on Thursday. Frank Healy (fly guide) stopped counting somewhere around 40 or 50 fish.

    One of Franks many...

    Mike Reier (yakmike) snatched up a nice fat 32"

    George White (George D) and his nice 40" bass on Friday

    and a range of sizes...

    More of the participants arrived thoughout the day and afternoon on Friday. Among them were members of the newly formed HOW Chapters from New Jersey and Maryland. Tom Brown and John Harmon representing Maryland, and Matt Williams, Chris Shoplock, Dennis Barnes and Vicky Gordon from New Jersey. Last minute registrations and waivers were taken care, shirts and captains bags were handed out and the Captains meeting was held to set out the ground rules and collect for the individual calcutta's.

    Saturday morning was an early rise for most. A couple more last minute check ins were handled and then off to the launch in Havre de Grace. The following pictures really does not do proper justice, but there were a lot of kayaks out there on the water!

    Attached Files

  • #2
    As I got out to the fleet, I came up on Paul Zuzock (rockbro) as he hooked up with his first ever Susky Flats Striper!

    My son Dillon was soon onto his first Susky Flats Striper as well....

    then his second...

    and finally his third

    As I was trying to get a shot of another angler hooked up....

    I got hooked up myself! (thanks to Matt Williams for the great shots!)

    Attached Files


    • #3
      ...a nice fat 37 incher!

      By this time word got around that there was a 40" fish that was landed for the calcutta, and it was caught on video from beginng to end, thanks to Chris Parson (S J Fish Whisperer)

      ...and still shots by Tom Gartland (o2soar)

      This was the eventual money winner for the Striped Bass Calcutta. but not necessarily the largest fish caught that day.

      Michael Bartgis (redfish12) hooked up with his first ever Susky Flats Striper as well. The fish was I think 44 inches in length and had a huge belly on her...

      Michael didn't make it to the weigh in in time, and we won't go into detail as to why, but his girlfriend Samantha made up for him by cleaning up at the raffle at dinner!

      George White ended up doing well again on Saturday and hooked up with a 37 incher of his own for a second place finish for the day...

      Unfortunately I lost the copies of the winning 16.5" Large Mouth Bass caught by Anthony Glab. He took home $75.00 for his efforts. Greg Kreps took second for the LMB's with a 16" fish.

      All in all, the event was a huge success and as I stated earlier, exceeded my wildest dreams of what it could be. The wheels are turning and plans are being formulated for next year already. So keep your time open for the beginning of April, 2013.

      I need to thank a lot of people who helped me get this off the ground and running. With out their help and support, I don't think things would have gone as smooth as they did. First to the guy who pushed and prodded until I finally agreed that an event on the Flats was definitely needed and who built the website for me among the many other little task you got done for me, Chris Parson could not have done this with out your help...Mike Reier, thanks for the getting a great deal on the shirts and for hounding the sponsors for me, you squeezed quite a few more pieces out for the raffle for sure. Vicky Gordon and Dennis Barnes, thanks for getting the goods to the pavilion for me and the extra hands at the Captain's Meeting. Bob Little, thank you for spending your Saturday cooking the pig for us. As usual, perfection. To Dillon, the best fishing partner ever, thank you for carrying all the packages into the house when you got home from school and for running around with me on all the errands and doing whatever you could to help me get things done, love ya buddy! Last but not least, to my wife Debbie, thank you for hooking me up with a great caterer, being patient with me while I spent night after night on the computer sending out emails and hours on end on the phone answering questions and chasing stuff down and for carting home donations that were sent to your work address, thank you and I love you!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Great job, Bob! Awesome event. I will be back for the 2nd annual flats jamboree! Hope to see you at Jamaica Bay the the September CBKA events!



        • #5
          Awesome job Bob, you put together one hell of an event! I will be there for the next one and each one after that.


          • #6
            <insert witty comment here>


            • #7
              It was a great event Bob. I am already waiting for the dates for next year!
              "If you can't have fun doing it, it ain't worth doing." ... or you're just doing it wrong.

              My Blog "Confessions of a fisherman, hunter and tinkerer"


              • #8
                Nice job putting this together. It is always fun fishing new places and have so many other people there to get advice from was great. Thanks for doing it and I will see next year if not before.

                Hobie Outback
                TKAA member
                Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers inc.

                Everyone should believe in something... I believe I'll go fishing.


                • #9
                  Thanks again for all the hard work Bob!
                  Used to fish more.


                  • #10
                    Great event Bob. Glad I could make it and take part. You and your team did one hell of a job of putting this together and making it an enjoyable event. The fishing was awesome, the food was delicious and the company was great. Everyone had a great time and I can't say enough how awesome of an event you had as well as the fact that you managed to turn this FIRST event an event to remember. I will be at the next one and hope to bring along a few of the guys or galls that this event is too benefit. GREAT JOB from MD HOW. THANK YOU for all of the hard work and Hospitality that you showed to me and my XO John Harmon. That amount of money raised is gonna help a lot of folks get out on the water and enjoy the sport that we all know and love. I can't waite till next year!!! If you ever need any help you can count on MD HOW and I'm sure all of the guys and galls here on this forum.
                    Thanks again,
                    Tom Brown
                    MD HOW
                    Tom Brown
                    Pro Staff: Balloon FisherKing, Catch 5 Baits, Century Rods, Smith Optics.
                    2012 Hobie PA 14'
                    Ocean Kayak Tident 13
                    2012, 2014, 2015, CBKA Tournament 1st place Crab Div.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nay_sayer View Post
                      Awesome job Bob, you put together one hell of an event! I will be there for the next one and each one after that.
                      I’m glad that John talked me into coming up for this event, had such a good time its going to be a definite event for me. Can’t wait for next year!
                      '12 Ocean Kayak Prowler trident 13 Orange
                      '09 Wilderness Systems Ride 135 Red
                      Kayak Fishing Mafia

                      -Both fish and men are often caught with artificial's-


                      • #12
                        Thanks for all the kudos!

                        Everything has settled out, and all the checks seem to be clear. The final wasn't quit as high as I thought it was going to be, but it still is a real nice number. I'll be sending a check down to Jim in the amount of $1800.00. I missed the cost of the pavilion in my initial figures and that had me thinking we'd top out a little higher.


                        • #13
                          WOW Even that amount is AWESOME!!!! Great Job on the first outing. I love my seat. Was out on it Tuesday. I think I'll keep it... Again, If you need ANYTHING, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, all you need to do is say the word and my team here at MD HOW will do what we need to do. I think there would have been more of us there but it was the same day as the monthly M&G at Fletchers Boathouse in DC. Great Job and keep up the good work, Are you still interested in being my Northern MD guy for MD HOW?? Let me know. Thanks again for all the hard work and I'll talk to you soon
                          Tom Brown
                          Pro Staff: Balloon FisherKing, Catch 5 Baits, Century Rods, Smith Optics.
                          2012 Hobie PA 14'
                          Ocean Kayak Tident 13
                          2012, 2014, 2015, CBKA Tournament 1st place Crab Div.

