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Free State Fly Anglers to Hold Swap Meet on Saturday, 7 May

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  • Free State Fly Anglers to Hold Swap Meet on Saturday, 7 May

    Winter is the time for fishing flea markets, correct?

    Mostly, that’s true for our area.

    However, there is a notable exception. The Free State Fly Fishers are holding their annual “Swap Meet” on Saturday, 7 May at their Clubhouse, 3789 Queen Anne Bridge Rd., Davidsonville, Maryland from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

    Lest you think only fly fishing-related items will be available for sale, let me remind you that FSFF members are anglers first and foremost. They use spinning rods, baitcasters and the same lures, tackle bags and tools that all anglers use. They read the same fishing books. Indeed, there will be many conventional fishing items to choose from at this event.

    Tables will be inside the clubhouse and outside. !4 May is our rain date.

    Also, if you are interested in fly fishing and don’t want to spend retail prices for a new rod and reel as you explore the sport, this is your opportunity. Fly anglers collect rods and reels like some people collect stamps. The same is true of fly-tying vises and materials. Most of us have more rods, reels and fly-tying items than we need. The annual FSFF Swap Meet is how we “thin the herd” in our closets while providing others an economical entry to our sport.

    Here is the link to the event from our website:

    I encourage you to open the two PDF files in the link which include the event flyer and questions and answers about the day. Directions are also included in the link. Note that tables at the event are limited to club members only. Although I am personally involved in organizing participants, I am not making a call for vendors. We have more than enough items for sale already. My purpose in this thread is simply to let you know that there is an opportunity for you to get quality fishing gear at fair prices.

    I hope to see you there.

    Thank you,
    Pasadena, MD

    Slate Hobie Revolution 13
    Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
    Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro

  • #2
    Due to the forecast of rainstorms and high winds for this Saturday, the FSFFers are postponing the club's Swap Meet until the following Saturday, 14 May. Same time, same place, and same excellent values for quality fishing gear.

    I look forward to seeing you then.

    Thank you,
    Pasadena, MD

    Slate Hobie Revolution 13
    Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
    Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


    • #3
      I had a great time at the swap meet today! I went in search of a 9wt rig to up my redfish game when they are over pressured and ultra-spooky of the jigs and bobs I'm normally tossing. Although, I have years of 3-6wt class freshwater fly fishing, I have never waved one of the big guns in the salt. Mark, Big Nose and the Free State Fly Fishers attending the event were indispensable in guiding my selection of a complete rig up to the task. Super nice bunch of guys. Lots of great stories and advice were shared in the room and on the grounds. I came back with smoking gear deals and can't wait to get back at those reds with my new tools. In the meantime I'll see if I can coax a striper or two to the kayak. I wanted to post this up in support of the FSFF swap meet event. If you missed today's event you really missed out. I know I'll be back. Thanks again Mark and Big Nose!


      • #4
        Slough Sleigher,

        I was worried that the weather would postpone us again. But the rain clouds held off just long enough for us to conclude business today.

        Thank you very much for attending the Swap Meet and for your kind words about the event and our ever-helpful club members.

        We had happy sellers and happy buyers today -- always a good combination.

        Plus, we love all things fishing, especially talking about the hobby with others who share our interest. The stories of past catches shared at the sales tables are always entertaining and some of them are actually true!

        Good luck with those NC reds. Indeed, a fly dropped gently in front of a foraging redfish is often the ticket for a hookup and a very fun ride afterward. You'll be glad to have the extra backbone of a 9 wt. when a husky red grabs your fly and takes off for deeper water. Enjoy the fight.
        Pasadena, MD

        Slate Hobie Revolution 13
        Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
        Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


        • #5
          It is always a pleasure to meet Snaggedline members.
          Today, I met Slough Sleigher and Whenican in person and shared many tales and much information.

          I even sold a couple of reels!

          Special thanks to Mark and Rich for setting things up!

