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What’s your opinion on barometer and fishing?

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  • What’s your opinion on barometer and fishing?

    Had 29,5 yesterday. Low! I figured it wouldn’t be a great day. And it wasn’t. What do you find you do best in? Rising barometer? Falling barometer? No pressure? High pressure? Steady barometer?

  • #2
    Conventional thought is that high air pressue sends fish deeper in the water column and reduces their feeding activity. Low pressure encourages them to seek shallower water and increases their activity.

    My last two outings were during bright bluebird skies which signaled high pressure. The bite was slow on both occasions.

    I don't keep trip logs so I don't know for certain if the above has proven true for me in the long run. It just seems that way.

    I fish when I can regardless of weather, safety being foremost, of course. But if I could choose the weather, I would fish during low pressure systems. I think it improves my odds.

    Pasadena, MD

    Slate Hobie Revolution 13
    Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
    Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro


    • #3
      I have never consulted a barometer when planning fishing trips. I fish when I have the chance, plain as that. I do consider more "readily apparent" environmental factors like temperature, wind, and tide to help me effectively make the most of my trip as these factors affect ME in the kayak, but I have never once looked at a barometer and said "not today".

      2021 Hobie Outback Camo
      2013 Native Slayer Hidden Oak


      • #4
        Thank you for your kind input. Much appreciated.

