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Weekend 7/31 Plans

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  • #16
    nice fish!! I'm jealous...still searching for the oh so illusive 1st rockfish on mine. Plenty of fish, just no rock!!


    • #17
      Thanks guys, it was great to finally catch some decent Rock! TJ thanks for posting the pictures, it was great fishing with you! Thanks again for the circle hook, I would have been out of the game with out it!

      Ok so trip report-

      Hit up Angler's with my buddy to get bloodworms then met TJ at Hemmingways. Got off to a rough start having to make numerous trips back to the truck because I forgot stuff. Of course my depthfinder wasn't working! I didn't feel like messing with it (even though I spent a ton of time on it this week putting the new transducer in an everything!) Finally got moving and headed out to the bridge to make bait.

      Spot were everywhere! Seemed like I was hooking up before my rig could even hit water. I had small #6 hooks on a homemade rig and it made catching the 3-5" spot pretty easy. I had a box of nighcrawlers from mid-june that had been sitting in my fridge that I needed to get rid of... the spot were happy to have them. In about 20 minutes I had way too many spot in my bucket and TJ had about a half dozen in his. We decided to head to find the pipe.

      We found the slick and started seeing a lot of bait. Seemed like blues might be on them... yep... as TJ figured out with his crescent moon bites out of his spot. We tried livelining here and I played around looking for a few bigger spot. I didn't find them and got a white perch instead.

      We decide to head to to the bridge as it looked like it was filling up fast with boats. We found a double span to work on and set up shop. About 10 minutes later I hear some noise from my friend and the guys in the boat near me saying TJ had hooked up! He had a nice fat 22'' rock! (Great fish man!)

      We continued to work the area and eventually I started to hook up as well as my buddy. We each finished with about 4 or 5 rock on spot. I ran out eventually due to break offs, die offs, and escape artists and I decided to throw a jig for awhile. On my third cast I counted it down to the bottom and started to work it back... bump... fish on! I thought it was going to be a small fish because the hit was so subtle, not the case. Lucky for me the fish took off straight under me (I was nose-in between the double pilings) and out away from the structure. I called TJ and my buddy over once I saw it at the surface, I thought it was going to be around 30"! It was just over 27'', which was awesome for me!

      Things started slowing down on the rock about this time and I think we might have landed one or 2 more. Then the blue fish kicked up and I lost my jig because I had a shiny swivel... We each caugh a few blues and then decided to head in as it was already about noon.

      Great day and I look forward to more!

      Here's some pictures:

      Last edited by Redfish12; 08-01-2010, 09:57 PM.
      Used to fish more.


      • #18
        awesome pics guys....glad you guys brought home some dinner.

        im surprised the blues havent showed up yet. This time last year, my spot were half eaten while livelining.
        Hobie Revolution 13
        Hobie Fishing Team


        • #19
          They're around. They got a few of TJ's spot at the pipe and then my jig at the pilings. I also caught one about the same size as my spot on my liveline rig, good ol circle hook worked it's charm. I was reeling in my spoon at the same time. I got the blue off the circle hook then started to reel in the spoon, bam another blue on. This one flung off the hook and went rig for my crotch... pretty awesome.

          Next cast a blue bit through the swivel on my wire leader and I lost the spoon. We headed in after the blitz died down some.
          Used to fish more.


          • #20
            awesome report!! good times


            • #21
              Not a problem for the circle hook, I have to thank your buddy for the bloodworms since the spot didn't seem to want to hit the fishbites. I think I will try nightcrawlers next time since they are so much cheaper and seemed to catch the spot just fine. Great report, think you summed it all up !


              • #22
                Originally posted by CB kayak 02 View Post
                nice fish!! I'm jealous...still searching for the oh so illusive 1st rockfish on mine. Plenty of fish, just no rock!!
                come on up on the 14th and we wil get you one

