[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADSXNYtL-54"]Kayak Fisherman hit by Boat - YouTube[/ame]
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Kayak Fisherman hit by Boat
Two of them to one of him- He did the right thing and got a picture and had video to show the authorities- I would have called the USCG right away- There is a lot of water out there and a power boat should have enough common sense not to get so close as cause a collision- I have had them come close enough that I waved them off with the paddle-"Lady Luck" 2016 Red Hibiscus Hobie Outback, Lowrance Hook2-7TS
2018 Seagrass Green Hobie Compass, Humminbird 798 ci HD SI
"Wet Dream" 2011 yellow Ocean Prowler 13
Charter member of Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club
looks pretty clear but you never know, might of been something going on we can't see.
my impression is the kayak was in what i would generally consider to be small, flat, safe water, but nearly got plowed by unsafe boater regardless.
i want to get my daughter a kayak but truth is, there's nothing i can do to stop some ahole who's not watching what they're doing.
ps/DF - not to mention any names, but i saw a powerboat speeding thru a no-wake zone last week. presumably he felt like he wouldn't be caught/ticketed since it was nearly dark and he was running with no lights on.
Oh, yeah! I wished I had my incident on video. It would make that look insignificant. That was a small Jon boat. The boat that hit me was a 25 foot Parker doing about 25+. I am sure Bill could comment what he saw of that. Some boaters just seem to leave all sense of safety back at the dock.
I almost didn't watch the video as I was envisioning a replay of what happened to Don. Seeing Don almost get run over was like watching a car accident and you're stuck moving in slow motion. Scary stuff. I'd just as soon not see something like that again.
I don't understand how both guys in the boat didn't see the yakker in the vid.It wasn't like it was super sunny or super foggy. On top of nearly getting hit, the yakker could've gotten yanked into the water if boat had hit his anchor line any harder.
The prevalence of hi-res, large memory cameras is making it tough for people to get away with this kind of stuff. I saw on CNN where two cyclists were side-swiped by a car, and the driver took off. They were able to track down the offending driver using the video. Too bad it doesn't make people more vigilant.Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
Yellow Tarpon 120
This is why I won't go night fishing in a kayak anymore.... If people don't even see you during the day, you're even worse off at night. Whenever I hear a boat coming right at me I'll usually turn well in advance and make sure I know they see me.2010 Hobie Revolution 13