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MKF Crab feast/fish fry part II

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  • #31
    Alright here are the details for the HERRING BAY TRIP AND MKF FISH FRY/CRAB FEAST;

    Date: Saturday, June 23, 2012
    Launch Time: 5:00 am -or whenever you get there
    Rose Haven Memorial Park
    626 Walnut Ave
    North Beach, MD
    ADC Map 36 D-3
    2009 ADC Map 5888 E-4
    GPS Coordinates: Lat. 38° 43’ 36.98” N
    Lon. 76° 32’ 13.83” W
    Map Coordinates: X-1444367, Y-386496

    Lunch: Starts at 11:30 am or whenever you get there. Ends when people leave. Fish fry/grill/crab feast/cook-out at my house (ADDRESS). Bring your chairs/drinks/sides/favorite seasoning.

    For those that haven't met me, I am John. Call if you have any questions, (PHONE NUMBER)!

    FYI- I was out in Herring Bay this evening- It's gonna be a good fish fry!
    Last edited by nay_sayer; 06-25-2012, 07:35 AM. Reason: I forgot to list my phone number


    • #32
      Hey Nay_Sayer,

      Maybe you should make a running list as to who is confirming that they are coming for the 23rd, so we know how much stuff to bring and share.

      Nay_Sayer - Fishing - hotdogs
      Moc - Crabbing - Coke Zero, punch, crab seasoning, burner and a pot to be repaired.
      KevinFry (lunch only)
      Metroman - Crabbing
      SurfDog - Fishing
      HearadonCatch - Fishing - pretzels and cookies
      RockChaser - Fishing
      CBKayaker02 (Maybe lunch)
      Memory Maker
      Kitkatyaker (afternoon lunch)
      ictalurus - Fishing
      Last edited by moc; 06-22-2012, 11:21 PM.


      • #33
        I have a fishing buddy coming with me too. He is (Bryan) "HearadonCatch" on KBF and he is registered here, but still lurking. Turtle135 (Dave) is coming also, but he said "but as far as the drinks and dessert go, I'm going to stay on the water until I catch something" I think Dave is still suffering from the Skunkage we all got last time at Herring Bay.

        Bryan said he would get his wife to make something and I'll go buy a side or desert from Food Lion, any requests, John?
        "If you can't have fun doing it, it ain't worth doing." ... or you're just doing it wrong.

        My Blog "Confessions of a fisherman, hunter and tinkerer"


        • #34
          I may have a complication. I have to make a midnight run to fredericksburg to connect with my Son and pick up his lab puppy for a week's dogsitting. May not be in til 3 am which could pose a problem for me and my plans. Sorry, could I come just for lunch??
          14.5 ft Sand colored Malibu X-Factor "the promise"
          2010 Hobie Outback "the Gift Horse II"


          • #35
            I am sure you can just come to the cookout and bring something to share. I am sure the Grill will need help. I belive Memory Maker came last time and he did not fish....
            Last edited by moc; 06-20-2012, 08:48 AM.


            • #36
              Not sure yet but think I can make it Saturday. I will update soon.

              Hobie Outback
              TKAA member
              Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers inc.

              Everyone should believe in something... I believe I'll go fishing.


              • #37
                Everyone is welcome to come when they want, stay as long as they want, and bring whatever they want. If you can't fish, come for lunch. If you can't come for lunch, come and fish. The launch is open to everyone and so is my place.

                I think the posted list of people coming is a great idea, please confirm if you will be joining us, what part(s) you will be joining us for (fishing, lunch), and what you are bringing (to avoid too many of the same things).

                I have no food requests. Whatever you bring will be great.

                I need someone to bring a fish fryer and/or a steamer pot. My connections that I borrow these from are both in OC and I can't get them.

                As far as catching something, I was out there yesterday evening and between two of us we caught about 50 fish (schoolie stripers and big WP) in 2 hours. Same thing last Sunday morning from my buddies boat (we were in the same spots that I hit in the yak).

                Attached is a pic from last night to show what we can expect
                Attached Files
                Last edited by nay_sayer; 06-20-2012, 08:56 AM.


                • #38
                  I'll be there!
                  <insert witty comment here>


                  • #39
                    I'm a possibility, I'm on call 10-4, but if it gets close to 2 w/o being called I might try to sneak downand hang for a bit, and maybe fish Herring Bay that evening...


                    • #40
                      i was only going to get to go in the morning but things change by the second around here so its PARTY TIME


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by nay_sayer View Post
                        I need someone to bring a fish fryer and/or a steamer pot. My connections that I borrow these from are both in OC and I can't get them.
                        I'll be there. It will be a day of firsts for me. First day to get my yak wet, first day to fish from a yak and first day to meet all you fine people!
                        I do have a steamer pot that will do a couple dozen crabs at a time and a huge burner that I use for brewing my beer. If you think you can use either I can bring them with me.

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Biggrizzly; 06-20-2012, 05:58 PM.
                        Don Haller
                        Chesapeake Beach, MD
                        Blaze Orange, Jackson Kayak "Cuda 14"

                        “There can’t be good living, where there is not good drinking.”
                        – Benjamin Franklin


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Biggrizzly View Post
                          I'll be there. It will be a day of firsts for me. First day to get my yak wet, first day to fish from a yak and first day to meet all you fine people!
                          I do have a steamer pot that will do a couple dozen crabs at a time and a huge burner that I use for brewing my beer. If you think you can use either I can bring them with me.

                          ............. bring it only if you have room after you load the truck with your beer ........


                          • #43
                            I'll be there ............ John ........ what do you need ........ gotta make assignments ...........

                            Who's crabbin

                            Who's fishin

                            I have a large steamer (it's a Keg steamer that should hold a bushel) but I don't think I can fit crab traps and a steamer. If they are at least 4 crabbers then I'll leave the traps and bring the steamer ..........

                            John, do you have an extra propane tank for the cooker?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Memory Maker View Post
                              I'll be there ............ John ........ what do you need ........ gotta make assignments ...........

                              Who's crabbin

                              Who's fishin

                              I have a large steamer (it's a Keg steamer that should hold a bushel) but I don't think I can fit crab traps and a steamer. If they are at least 4 crabbers then I'll leave the traps and bring the steamer ..........

                              John, do you have an extra propane tank for the cooker?
                              I have an extra full tank I can bring.
                              Don Haller
                              Chesapeake Beach, MD
                              Blaze Orange, Jackson Kayak "Cuda 14"

                              “There can’t be good living, where there is not good drinking.”
                              – Benjamin Franklin


                              • #45
                                Alrighty-looks like we'll have some fun Sat!

                                Biggrizzly- right on target with the fryer/pot(s)/propane. I'm with MM on you loading the car with your homemade brew

                                MM- looks like we're good on fryers and propane, we need you to fish and/or crab buddy, pack for that. macaroni salad gets my vote if you want to bring that.

                                Surfdog- we need your cooking skills for the fryer, glad you can make it

                                Kevinfry- sure thing, come on by anytime. You could always just nap between work and your FB trip then come to the launch at 5 . I have 3 dogs, you can just leave the pup here to play with them.

                                CB Kayak 02- hope you can make it, one day we'll make it to Herring Bay at the same time

                                Rockchaser- hope you can make it this time, that glass job can wait.

                                Archeryrob- glad you guys are willing to make the trip again after last time. This time will be different, come as early as possible ( I know you've got a hell of a trek but the bite is early morning and late evening).

                                Metroman- I knew I could count on ya!

                                Moc- Im gonna put you in charge of this next time!

                                Daddyg- glad you're coming back again!

                                Tyrone shoes- will you be able to make it?

                                Yak fish- I used to live up there, it's not THAT far

                                Aesiegel- you gonna make it Ed?

                                Shadyfisher85- Are you gonna make it or is the Fios guy coming back?

                                Don't be offended if I didn't mention you by name, just come by either place and join in. All are welcome.

