I often read fishing reports on this site, as well as others, about important gear left at home. Most of this gear mentioned plays a vital roll in catching fish. Important gear left a home can seriously affect your confidence right from the getgo for that day’s fishing… that is never good. Mostly the forgotten item is a fish finder or an anchor… or worse, your tackle box or bag.
After having this happen to me a number of times over the years, I made up a list of all equipment I will most likely need for any trip. The list is posted on the inside of the door to my outside shed where most of my fishing equipment is stored. After loading up the car I tick off each item, if needed for that day’s trip, just to be sure it is packed. This technique has served me well over the years. Hardly is there a pack-up that there isn’t at least one thing I forgot to pack. I quick run and get it before I forget what it was I had forgotten. (Something that frequently happens when you’re closing in on your late 60s.)
So I’ll add my list to this post. If you have a problem forgetting stuff then I suggest you make up your own list using my list as a guide.
Fishing Check List
Seat cushion
Electric motor
Motor mount
Anchor, short or long rope
Fish finder & battery
Tackle bag
Forceps & fish counter
Measuring board
Rubber gloves
Small towel
Cooler & ice
Food & Water
Boots, calf-high
Appropriate clothes, coat, warm gloves
Sun screen
(Big print is so I can easily read it on the shed door without having to shift my head up to my bifocals)
After having this happen to me a number of times over the years, I made up a list of all equipment I will most likely need for any trip. The list is posted on the inside of the door to my outside shed where most of my fishing equipment is stored. After loading up the car I tick off each item, if needed for that day’s trip, just to be sure it is packed. This technique has served me well over the years. Hardly is there a pack-up that there isn’t at least one thing I forgot to pack. I quick run and get it before I forget what it was I had forgotten. (Something that frequently happens when you’re closing in on your late 60s.)
So I’ll add my list to this post. If you have a problem forgetting stuff then I suggest you make up your own list using my list as a guide.
Fishing Check List
Seat cushion
Electric motor
Motor mount
Anchor, short or long rope
Fish finder & battery
Tackle bag
Forceps & fish counter
Measuring board
Rubber gloves
Small towel
Cooler & ice
Food & Water
Boots, calf-high
Appropriate clothes, coat, warm gloves
Sun screen
(Big print is so I can easily read it on the shed door without having to shift my head up to my bifocals)