I am working in the morning so I will be there at 8:30-9:00am
Chance of catching a keeper striper (20" minimum) : 5 %
Parking Lot Address: 3611 Moody Town Rd. Bumpass, VA
No kayak cart required. I usually carry a kayak about 80-90 feet from the parking lot barricade rocks
I won't catch herring for live bait tomorrow. I will troll or jig for striper
If feeding birds are present, I may use 1/4oz jog and 3.5" swim bait
Otherwise bring 3/4-2oz jig and smaller lures (5-7"). Striper in Lake Anna behave differently even though they are the same Chesapeake Bay strand.
I will bring the water-proof gloves
Here is the video showing a typical day in the cold side by Dike 3:
Chance of catching a keeper striper (20" minimum) : 5 %
Parking Lot Address: 3611 Moody Town Rd. Bumpass, VA
No kayak cart required. I usually carry a kayak about 80-90 feet from the parking lot barricade rocks
I won't catch herring for live bait tomorrow. I will troll or jig for striper
If feeding birds are present, I may use 1/4oz jog and 3.5" swim bait
Otherwise bring 3/4-2oz jig and smaller lures (5-7"). Striper in Lake Anna behave differently even though they are the same Chesapeake Bay strand.
I will bring the water-proof gloves
Here is the video showing a typical day in the cold side by Dike 3: