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  • Thanks

    to Dogfish for setting up this months M&G. even though i got the big skunk a good deal of rock were caught and the weather was great a little cold in the morning but it warmed up quickly.

    i guess the boatyard B&G wasn't such a good place, parking was tough, i got there and got on the list to get a table. called john and james and they were on the way home so i stuck around for a while and then left. getting through annapolis sucked forgot Navy had a football game this afternoon. i was looking forward to BSing with every one at lunch, at least they had a nice restroom

  • #2
    I second that, Sorry surf dog I circled the block a couple of times but didn't see anybody else. The guys following decided to head home also. Maybe we will have to just set a day for lunch and Bs'ing since the weather is turning.
    Don't know if it works until you try it.

    Ocean Kayak Big Game
    LL Bean Manatee 10


    • #3
      Sorry about not sticking around. I saw the amount of people looking for spots on the street and called it a day. I passed the academy just as the opposing teams players buses entered the campus.

      Thanks dogfish for setting up this event. I had a great time and the weather was perfect for November.


      • #4
        Sorry, I had no idea about the Boatyard being crowded. Maybe it was the game.

        Sorry that the trolling bite was off. I did get three fish trolling. The reason that I didn't make it to the Boatyard was that Chimo was conducting a clinic on vertical jigging. It was quite funny. He had a rod in each hand in hopes of catching a fish, and he doubles up. After watching him catch several fish by jigging, I asked if he did much jigging, and he said this was the first time he had vertical jigged. I cast out a Berkley Hollow Belly Swim Jig and did get one fish. However, the jig he was using, similar to a Silver Buddy, was what the fish wanted. As I watched he caught at least 10 fish, probably more. I will have to pick up some of those lures.

        The fish were just there holding right on the bottom. It was the same area where I had caught two fish trolling earlier in the morning. There was not much baitfish around. I don't know if they had moved out of the river for deeper water or what had happened. The water was only alittle colder than last week. I just know that I need to get a couple of those jigs Chimo was using. I have been hearing about people vertical jigging in the bay, but I had no confidence in the technique. I am goint to have to change that opinion.

        For those who gave me lures for the pot, I gave them to Chimo. There is no question he caught the large fish of the day. I posted a copy of his largest fish and of the one that I brought home. It was a tuff day.

        Thanks for everyone who came to fish. I really enjoyed the day and was good to see everyone. If we do this again, hopefully the fish will cooperate. Maybe our luck was due to the date of the day. Superstitious, well maybe. It would have been good to BS for awhile.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by DOGFISH; 11-13-2010, 07:06 PM.


        • #5
          yeah not much in the way of parking, i parked up in front of backyard boats.

          who got the biggest fish, Wayne? heard he got a 22"er.


          • #6
            I had a great time out there minus the lack of fish desiring my lures. I was using my iphone app to find drop offs that I thought would hold some fish. Well according to my fish finder (and lack of fish) I was wrong. I never trolled as much as I did today. Using my app, I tracked todays paddling, and it was well over 4 miles. Boat traffic started to pick up as the morning progressed...I had fun riding wakes while I tried to cross the channel.

            One of these days Imma catch me a striper.

            I had to split ASAP after getting back to shore. I had to be to work in Colelge Park by 1pm...I'm still here at work now... Woke up at 5am. Long day...need beer...
            <insert witty comment here>


            • #7
              Nice job Chimo

              It was a good day on the water. I guess the next lesson will be on vertical jigging. Thanks to all. Looking forward to future gatherings.


              • #8
                I think his largest fish was 27 inches.


                • #9
                  Thanks to Dogfish for setting everything up. I'm sorry I missed Wayne's clinic--I've got a bucktail with your name on it that I brought for the grab bag. After talking with Wayne on the phone ("We're catching them up to 30 inches!"), I seriously considered running back out there, but I couldn't stomach the thought of putting my sweaty dry suit. Too bad lunch didn't work out.

                  Here's the 19-incher I kept:

                  I got another one that size that I released and a 10" perch that hit a 6" BKD. Both stripers hit a Tennessee shad (greenish back, silver sides, orange belly) Yozuri deep diving Crystal Minnow. Nobody wanted the Glass Rap, X-Rap, or Thunderstick I trolled or the Red Eye shad I casted.

                  Here are some more pics:

                  I had a blast, it was an awesome day, and it was good to see everyone again.
                  Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
                  Yellow Tarpon 120


                  • #10
                    Big Kudos to Dogfish for going the extra mile and even dealing with the HOA! LOL I had a great time although no hookups. I started bouncing a Bass Assasin off the bottom til I got the call that it was time to go LOL It was good times as always... next time I will make sure I make lunch!



                    • #11
                      Thanks for the photos. It was good to meet everyone. I got two fish on the Glass Ghost X-rap and one on a Yo-Zuri Hardcore Drum. Everything else was a bust, except for the one on a jig. It was also impressive that crawdad paddled out to the lighthouse. Thats also along way.
                      Last edited by DOGFISH; 11-13-2010, 09:49 PM.


                      • #12
                        Thanks to Dogfish and I second all that's been said. I focused on trolling and didn't try jigging until towards the end. Covered a lot of ground. too. My knees were yellin' to knock it off! That bassyak thing may require further investigation in a few years!

                        Also disappointed the lunch & BS'in' didn't happen. Overall though, I think these M&G's are a great success. Great seeing and meeting everyone.

                        Dogfish, please let everyone know any feedback from the HOA and if they'd have us back again. Great launch site. Thanks again for organizing!



                        • #13
                          I had one more decent pic of Dogfish's rig.

                          The pics I took of other folks were pretty blurry.
                          Yellow Hobie Revo Rube Goldberg
                          Yellow Tarpon 120


                          • #14
                            Thanks Bill, first time I've seen myself in a kayak.

                            Yes, the association people were happy to have us. One of the board members was talking to me and Wayne when we were picking up, and said we would be welcomed back. They were impressed by all the kayak fishers. It is a good place to launch and fish. Of course yesterday caught me off guard myself. Trolling had been the way to go. Also, in the future, I will not be caught without verticle jigs. However, that is why it is called fishing.

                            I also noticed that someone had put a bag of plastic eels in the lure pot, for big fish, which jogged may memory. I had some Berkley Alive Eels with me. Next time I see fish on the bottom like that, I am going to Carolina Rig an eel and drift that along. Stripers, are bass afterall.

                            Yes, when you do as much trolling as I do, you need an electric motor. It makes it much easier. Less healthy, but easier. I've never enjoyed trolling so much. When I used to own a boat, I hated trolling. I think it was the drone of the engine. In a kayak it is quiet. By the way, yesterday was sucessful with the addition of the second battery. The folks at West Marine laugh at me, with a battery selector switch in a kayak. Hey, but it works.

                            I also enjoyed seeing everyone and their kayaks. I am going to try to make some additional meet and greets. Next time I would like to make the BS session. If it is one thing that I am almost as good at as fishing, it is BS. I guess that is why I'm a fisherman.


                            • #15
                              Thanks Dogfish for setting everything up! It definately turned into a good day after starting out slow slow slow! Things just kinda happened to work out with the jigging. Maybe if I hadn't been paddling for hours I would have tried to just keep on trolling myself but I was wore out by the time I marked the fish and drifting seemed like a good idea

                              Beautiful Morning!

                              My first double of the day! Ended up with 3 doubles before I was done!!!

                              31 incher. Not in very good shape, had a bunch of sores

                              Another pic of the 27 incher

