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Snakehead hunting at Leesylvania State Park 05-15

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  • Snakehead hunting at Leesylvania State Park 05-15

    It looks like a nice hot day for my maiden voyage. I plan to hit the water early in the morning and fish until whenever. I've seen guys pulling in Snakeheads and people report seeing them on top water. So, I know they're there. There is $4 dollars parking fee to get in but car top launch is free. Feel free to join me, the more the merrier.


  • #2
    Good luck fishing today! Give us a good report.
    I fish everyday that ends in "Y"


    • #3
      Well, not good I'm afraid. No snakeheads caught today, but I did find out a spot where they like to hangout.

      Here is the whole trip. I started out late 9:00ish. I throw Striking sexy frog, Koppers Hollow Belly Frog Bait around 1-2 feet out of the vegetation with no hit what so ever till noon. Around noon I have to go pee, which also raise the question? where/how? I paddled back to marina (about half a mile, I think) in choppy condition. I like my new kayak from Jeremy, it handle chops very well. I"m a total newbie yaker and I did not feel unstable.

      When I get back, I was desperate so I pulled out all the spinner bait and tried. I hooked on to a fish but my lines got all tangled at the same time. I tried to fix my line and the fish keep pulling, I couldn't fix my line with it pulling the line at other end. After 10 minutes, it's unhooked and got away. Man, I hope it wasn't a snakehead or I'll be piss but I will never know.

      After that I got two bite but fail to set hook. I set the hook as soon as I feel the strike. Is it wrong for spinner bait? Do I need to wait before I set the hook? And I got 2 fish follow the bait to my kayak. The funny thing I did caught something.

      Anyway, big skunk on the Snakehead. But I'll be back.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thanks for the report, too bad you didn't have better results, but you had a good day to be out there.

        Originally posted by Snakehead Hunter View Post
        Around noon I have to go pee, which also raise the question? where/how?
        Carry an empty gatorade bottle.


        • #5
          But not an empty bottle that held yellow or orange me on this...
          Chesapeake Beach Bum.

          Cluttering up the twin beaches


          • #6
            Originally posted by ChpkeBeachBum View Post
            But not an empty bottle that held yellow or orange me on this...
            Orange? Really?

