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Severn instead of Weeks Creek report

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  • Severn instead of Weeks Creek report

    After reading John Veil's warning about Weems Creek this a.m., I launched at Jonas Green and dock hopped and slow trolled up towards Manressa today.
    I caught a few Perch, only one of which was worth keeping, but since I wasn't interested in taking fish home, it was released. A couple of 4 inch dinks finished the day.
    Slow day, but the water was calm and not too many powerboats, so no wakes to dodge.
    All perch were caught in 2-3 feet of water near docks or fallen timber, right at the edge of the weeds. Interesting to see on the depth finder how sharply the weeds end at the 5 foot mark.
    The water was stained with about 15-18" of visibility.
    I used a 1/8 oz. imitation Woodie Spinner jig that I make, and I trolled a rattletrap. All hits were on the spinner jig.