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Poachers Busted

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  • Poachers Busted

    Pretty interesting article in the Baltimore Sun on sunday about busting poachers in the bay. Here is link if anyone is interested.,6096135.story

  • #2
    Good, the sad thing is that it took the Feds to do the job. Maryland needs to put some emphasis on that sort of thing. One must also wonder how much poaching takes place. You must also wonder about the good old boy network in the courts of the counties where the poaching takes place. There needs to be some sort of three strikes and your out law, where they would be banned from holding a commercial license. These guys were poaching when they would do the most damage, April and May. It sounded as if they were poaching spawning fish. It is people like that who hurt everyone, sportsfisherman and commercial fisherman of their own craft. I of course support making the striped bass a game fish. That may be the only way to really protect them. Look what happened with the success of the redfish in Florida and along the Gulf Coast. Many people forget how bad it was for striped bass in the late 70s and early 80s.

    Fisherkid, thanks for putting that on the forum.


    • #3
      if you or i were caught with a striper after midnight we would be busted hard, these a--holes were poaching almost 7 million dollars worth of fish and would have gotten a slap on the wrist. thankfully it went to fed. court so they will get a proper sentence


      • #4
        I have always been curious about the stiff fines and penalties for sport fisherman keeping one short fish...or over sized fish...and the tiny fines for rogue commercial fisherman who RAPE the ecosystem with one nights catch.

        I would consider paying more for a recreational license to see more DNR and regulatory people on the water. I never mind being stopped and asked for my license or to have fish checked for compliance...unless im on the fish and some DNR boat spooks them that is.

        I think the matter of self policing is important as well. ALL FISHERMAN need to report this if they suspect it happening so that there is a commercial and recreation fishery in 20 years.

        Complicated clear cut answer. I do like the idea of a 3 strikes and you are out concerning the commercial fishing license.

        And im done...


