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  • Bassyak

    I have a PA 12 and want to rig it with a motor I have contacted Bassyak and understand that it cost 1100 bucks for him to give me a rig problem is every time I look at one of these things on youtube I swear I could build it myself for far less than what he charges. So I guess what I am trying to get at is has anyone made this attempt and tried building something similar to the Bassyak on their own?

  • #2
    Outside of coming up with the mounting system it can't be hard and certainly not worth $1100(at least not to me). Once it's mounted you basically just have extend and route the wires.


    • #3
      that's actually the only problem is the extend and control....not sure where he gets that minn kota control box from???? And ive checked everywhere.


      • #4
        Another alternative is the Torqueedo. There's a couple of people here with PA's who have them. They run for $1799 but you can find 10-20% coupons for Hook1 to help out with the cost.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Darnell View Post
          that's actually the only problem is the extend and control....not sure where he gets that minn kota control box from???? And ive checked everywhere.

          This guy just extended the wires with a four wire service cord from Lowes and mounted the original trolling motor controls next to the seat.

          Here's an install on a Jackson Coosa.

          Last edited by Strummerfan; 06-04-2013, 07:53 AM.


          • #6
            I have the torqueedo evolve on my outback and love it. It's specifically designed to be used in the drivewell or rutter mount of the outback. I think in order to mount it on the back of the PA you need a different mounting arm, but as Dave mentioned, there are several people on here with torqueedos mounted on PAs that can point you in the right direction.

            The biggest benefit of the torqueedo is the weight and battery life. I personally only have one battery and with peddling and running the motor concurrently, one battery usually lasts me as long as I want to stay out. I think others may have extra batteries, but they spensive, so I haven't got into that yet.
            Blue 2016 Hobie Outback
            Chesapeake Bay Kayak Anglers, Inc


            • #7
              I did it myself and would answer and questions you have. Obviously is a custom mount for each different kind of kayak, but you get the idea. Yes, if you are handy, you can do it yourself.

              Here is the build.
              Last edited by archeryrob; 06-04-2013, 10:46 AM.
              "If you can't have fun doing it, it ain't worth doing." ... or you're just doing it wrong.

              My Blog "Confessions of a fisherman, hunter and tinkerer"

