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Where's the Fathers' Day Party at?

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  • Where's the Fathers' Day Party at?

    So- I have Fathers day off (per the boss/wife)- Sunday. My options are Sandy Point SP early to find some stripers (not sure how far out I would have to go -someone said target the pilings at 20 ft)- Perryville Community Park to look for some Stripers/Large mouth off Stump point- or Jonas Green to try to find some stripers/blues. Not sure if anyone has any suggestions- I dont use bait- just soft plastics/ spro-jigs/rattle traps etc... Wind looks to be 6-15 mph at all locals (not sure how much chop there will be at SPSP at that wind speed-not bad I suppose)- I was hoping to see all the other fellas out there (and ladies of course) had the day "off" and were planning to meet up somewhere (completely unofficial-dont want anyone upset)- I will be out there somewhere regardless...any thoughts?- John B.