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My Week at the Beach

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  • My Week at the Beach

    Last Monday I joined my family for a week down at the beach. We stayed at the in-laws condo in Ocean Pines which is a stones throw from the community boat ramp which made it convenient to launch. I went out Tuesday morning at 6 am and tried jigging the pilings of the Rt. 90 bridge but had no luck. Wednesday was cloudy, so instead of hitting the beach, my son and I went crabbing off a nearby dock. Two hours and we caught 20 crabs using handlines and chicken necks.
    District 3 Berlin-20130619-00007.jpg
    My son was dying to take the kayak out, he had never been in/on one before. So after a little instruction he was off and paddled around for about an hour. It made my wife a little nervous when he ventured out into the bay, but he made it back without incident.
    I went out again on Thursday morning but didn't have any luck. I realized that I need to get a fishfinder asap. It felt like I was fishing blind and I think being able to see drop offs and other structure would be a big help. Saturday was the last day I'd be able to fish so I bought some squid and paddled back out to the bridge to try my luck with cut bait. On the way out I saw this guy doing a little fishing of his own.
    After about an hour and a couple of missed bites I finally reeled in my first fish from a kayak. Nothing big, but at least this 6" croaker broke the seal. It's on now!
    I'd had enough and decided to paddle over to a secluded little cove and put my new yak through some tests. I took everything out and paddled out in about 3 feet of water and tried rocking back and forth to see how far I could go before it felt sketchy. I was happy with the results because I had read reviews of the Cobra Navigator that said it had great initial stability, but not much secondary. I was able to get it to where I had water coming in the front flush mounts before it felt like it would tip. Next I wanted to see how it would be to access the front hatch while out on the water. I was able to straddle both legs over the side and shimmy up front and open it with no problem. Lastly I wanted to see it I could stand up. I had no problem getting up and was able to stand for a minute before some small waves sent me over the side. Overall I'm very happy with my choice of kayak and I'm getting a little more comfortable every time I take it out. The one thing I did find out is that the seat is not the most comfortable, but I had some foam pads I had put under my kayak when I transported it down in my truck bed. l traced the outline of the seat on the pad with a sharpie and cut just inside the lines. I used my homemade cushion on the last two days I had it out and the 1/2" foam made a huge difference.
    IMG-20130624-00062.jpg IMG-20130620-00009.jpg
    Red/Yellow COBRA Navigator

  • #2
    Glad to hear you had a good time at the beach and the crabs are there !

    Getting in flounder a favorite task at the beach definitely takes local knowledge and a fish
    finder to find the holes. The bay water temperature is heating up.. slowly.. but it's beginning
    to be that time of year the flounder are moving deeper.

    There are fishing report links at one of my webpages... Sue Foster's report will be more for that area.
    And ask around to people where the places she mentions... I will have to admit
    I haven't been much of a back bay fisherman. Or else I'd tell you the specific spots.

    I usually put vids on the webpage mentioned... here is one that helps for flounder fishing..


    • #3
      nice job, first one but not the last

