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Anyone get hacked on snaggedline???

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  • #16
    Originally posted by HJS View Post
    Read carefully... I said I got the same "hacked" message on the library's computer too and I didn't even log in my screen name nor my MKF site password at the Library. So the library's computer didn't know who I was.

    The end run I did was go to gmail, pull up an old email from MFK saying I have a new personal message on MKF. Then I clicked on the www.snaggedline hot link within gmail and that took me to this site OK. But if I try to go to MKF directly from my "Favorite's List" I get the "hacked message".

    My bad. I just did a quick look and took off.

    Outback 2015


    • #17
      Well... there are a few obvious hacking methods...

      1.) The first is outdated software running this site forum with known exploitable hacks...
      2.) Keyword loggers that an administrator has on his computer.
      3.) Brute force password attacks.

      2.) We will set aside for the time being.

      3.) Is easy if the administrators have weak passwords.

      1.) Most likely there is a "simple" exploit that is vulnerable in the software running this site.
      And uhhh... looks like there is from my quick search. I don't run this software on any of my
      sites.... so I can not extrapolate.

      a. From the observations it looks like it is a "Defacing" hack... that is no damage has been done to the SQL
      b. "Defacing" websites is a popular "game" in the hacker's world.. they find an exploit and they search Google
      to all the websites that have the vulnerability... and slap their name on the hacked site
      A.K.A. "HvCvavcvkvevd vbvy Lvavsvt Tvovuvcvh" Remove the "v" for the name.

      Remedy and prevention...

      Update software.
      **Change all administrators passwords.
      **Have Hostgator perform a full virus check of your website at the sever level if perhaps the bad boys
      left something behind.
      In the "Footer" file for this website... the PHP program V-Bulletin...
      REMOVE the Tag... on the very bottom....
      Powered by vBulletin® Version 4.2.0
      Copyright © 2013 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

      Having that "Tag" is like, about as saying...

      Hey BlueFish and Cownosed Rays.... come take my bait and snag my equipment.

      That the "fish" can simply search Google.

      Most likely it is just a defacing hack through a vulnerbility in the basic coding of the software that this site is using.
      Last edited by rob-kayak; 09-16-2013, 02:44 PM.


      • #18 are correct in your assesment!

        Im gonna take the board down temporarily so i can patch it up.
        Hobie Revolution 13
        Hobie Fishing Team


        • #19
          Originally posted by Grilled View Post
 are correct in your assesment!

          Im gonna take the board down temporarily so i can patch it up.
          Was it just the front page that got defaced?? Have you checked to make sure that there isn't malicious code or exploits buried somewhere on site? Or that everyone's password or other personal information wasn't compromised?

          I am assuming that it was a defacement, since if the hackers goal was to infect other pcs or steal information they wouldn't change anything on the website to help avoid detection. None the less I would thoroughly examine the site and logs to be sure.
          Last edited by mi327; 09-16-2013, 05:48 PM.

          2015 Hidden Oak Slayer Propel 10


          • #20
            Could have also been another site running on the same server as that was compromised and the attacker just defaced all sites (mass defacement). Google ""Hacked by LastTouch" and you'll get a lot of hits. Assuming snaggedline runs on a shared server, looks like it does to me.

            Either way, Grilled should probably get us on the latest version of vBulletin and see if the database containing the credentials was accessed.
            2013 Hobie Revolution 11



            • #21
              Host gator performed a virus check on the server side and it came back negative. I applied the latest security patches on the site and am planning to upgrade to the latest version tonight. The database was not affected as far as I can tell. He just screwed around with the index file. The hacker actually created an account on the board as an administrator...ha! Yakattack also got hacked!
              Hobie Revolution 13
              Hobie Fishing Team


              • #22
                I got the same thing when I tried to access snaggedline from my work computer as a test.

                Originally posted by HJS View Post
                Just ~ an hour ago on my home computer, when I log on to I get the message, "Hacked by LastTouch" and the next line says, "". Then I can't get to anywhere in snaggedline.


                So I went to the local library and got the same message without even logging into snaggedline first. Then tried kinda doing an end run to snaggedline and finally got in to post this message.

                Anyone else having this problem? Seems to be restricted to snaggedline only. So, who got hacked... my computer or snaggedline????


                • #23
                  Have Norton 360 on my computer not problems all day.


                  • #24

                    How 'bout that knife? Look at that knife!
                    <insert witty comment here>


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MetroMan View Post

                      How 'bout that knife? Look at that knife!

                      The fish was ok but dang.....what a knife! Bawahaha.....
                      Hobie Revolution 13
                      Hobie Fishing Team


                      • #26
                        Still hacked, now i get this weird green screen.
                        Interstate Kayak Fishing


                        • #27
                          Same here . Ari Tiga Angka Enam ..... Whatever the hell that means !

                          Wilderness Tarpon


                          • #28
                            Yup same here...very weird.
                            Ocean Kayak Trident 13: Sand


                            • #29
                              I got something weird this morning too.
                              Native Slayer 12
                              Native Ultimate


                              • #30
                                I got hacked on my Saltfish site for Delaware Bay as well as this site....I guess it's the server.

