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  • Chumming

    Do may people chum from their kayaks. I don't hear much discussion of that. I have always had a great time chumming from the kayak. This is very true when bluefish are around. They tend to keep you busy along with the occasional striper. Of course we don't get the larger bluefish that we used to get in the past. In the past it was nothing, in the spring, to catch 14, 17 or even 19 lb bluefish in this area of the bay. Of course the commercial take has stopped that. People look at me like I'm BSing them when I tell them about the large bluefish. Now that was fun chumming. Striper fishing can also be very good while chumming.

    I generally keep it simple. Just a mesh bag with a log of chum in it.

  • #2
    I have a weighted (think lead bottom) and chicken wire styled chum pot at home. Because it is weighted and in addition to the anchor, it adds a somewhat significant amount of weight to the kayak. Combine that with all of the unnecessary stuff that i bring and... yeah.

    I didnt bring the chum pot one time last year (I don't think). In addition to the weight, finding a place to store a few chum logs on your kayak can be annoying. My preferred method of chumming is messy, but here it goes: use a meat grinder to grind up leftover bunker or skimmer clams, include bits of shell, sometimes some sand, kitty litter or other material to give it some bulk. Freeze it in left over OJ containers (paper variety). Take two or three containers per day. Anchor near productive bottom...if fishing for porgies, bluefish, etc. Lower pot. Wait.

    Ive seen the GULP chum in the store and thought that it might eliminate some of the problems noted above. But, it is pricey and contrary to some of the other gulp products has a limited use. I think its max use is 8 hours.

    Has anyone tried Gulp chum? I would be willing to give it a try this year.


    • #3
      Dogfish ........... many of these guys weren't even born when that happened ...........

      so of course its a ......... (drum roll ) ....... wait for it ..... wait for it ........ a geezer tail .......

      when the striper numbers were very low the big blues chased the bunker up past the bridge .......... used to use a 14 ft flat bottom boat and fish the shallow flats south of the BB with plugs I made from broom handles to catch blues up to 20 lbs on the surface ...........


      • #4
        Originally posted by Memory Maker View Post
        Dogfish ........... many of these guys weren't even born when that happened ...........

        so of course its a ......... (drum roll ) ....... wait for it ..... wait for it ........ a geezer tail .......

        when the striper numbers were very low the big blues chased the bunker up past the bridge .......... used to use a 14 ft flat bottom boat and fish the shallow flats south of the BB with plugs I made from broom handles to catch blues up to 20 lbs on the surface ...........

        Oh! that geezer thing is back. It just won't go away.

        I know we used to do the broom handle plugs too. I had a friend who had a lathe. That was fun.

        Geezer, wow, I think I need to go take a nap after that one.


        • #5
          Hey Dogfish ........ I'm right there with ya ........ used to fish for them too ......

          Oh ... andd I just got up from my nap .....


          • #6
            back when gas was .23 a gal.

            easy way to chum up some bottom feeders ( croakers,spot)the cheapest can of mackerel cat food you can find, tie some mono or string to it add a weight and send it to the bottom. works like a charm just dont spill any juice in the yak


            • #7
              The cat food is a great idea. I will have to try that this year.

              Do you just punch a bunch of holes in the can and drop her down?

              And in case you get stranded you have some protein to keep you going


              • #8
                Great tip surf, going to try that this year. I have used cat food in traps before but never thought about chumming.

                I guess I haven't chummed from the kayak bc space and refrigeration are at a premium on my boat. Plus I rarely if ever anchor, need to try it though.

                Last year the only chumming I did was when i had too much fun the night before, that was miserable.
                Used to fish more.


                • #9
                  ugh i can imagine that was nasty. the little cans even come with a handy pull top to tie to, just crack the top a little to let the sent in to the water


                  • #10
                    I made it to the ledge at spsp by the lighthouse and let er rip. I tried to hide out of the current behind the lighthouse but got sick of boaters and was not having a good time. I forgot about boaters in the summer,
                    Late fall was definitely nice
                    Used to fish more.


                    • #11
                      Yea, I use cat food in my minnow traps. Punch holes and flip the top up alittle. Had not used it for croaker chumming. I'll give it try. Of course, I will have to take crackers for the left overs.

