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hemmingways no more

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  • hemmingways no more

    Drove over the bay bridge and past Hemmingways the other day, it looks like it is boarded up and had heavy equipment in front of it. I had heard last year was going to be their final year, would hate to lose that launching spot.

  • #2
    I went over the bridge last week and it is definately closed. Wouldn't the launching land still be intact even if the building is gone?


    • #3
      yes, but the new business or owners could say patrons only, no launching. They might feel there is some liability launching from their land, I hope not.


      • #4
        That is definately true. That is the best spot to launch fishing the bay bridge because you do not have the boat traffic and fisherman as you do on the west side of the bridge. We should have a fish fry fundraiser to buy that land. LOL!


        • #5
          It would definitely suck if we lost that...
          <insert witty comment here>


          • #6
            Well aren't you the bearer of bad news...

            That's unfortunate...


            • #7
              Yeah but there is a huge marina there so there should be some place to launch ........... besides ...... it's your fault ...... you guys should have bought more drinks ...... and not chased the bar maids so much


              • #8
                I would hope that they see it as harmless.. its not like full sized boats can launch from there so its not like us yakkers are bombarding the parking lot with our cars... I think if we give the new owners a call and have a M&G with post festivities inside we can persuade them to keep it open!



                • #9
                  My understanding is that the marina bought the restraunt will be opening in the spring. I imagine we can come to some kind of agreement with the owners. However I wouldn't be suprised if they start charging a fee like some of the other marina's do.


                  • #10
                    One thing that will help (maybe)? If I fish it this year I want to remember to bring a large garbage bag and grab any trash that I see. I think most of it washes ashore and is not left behind by us, but cleanliness is next to godliness and helps keep access points accessible, right?

                    I've never done it, but I always mean to.


                    • #11
                      Bummer. Hope they don't make it some super fancy place that doesn't want a bunch or kayaking scrubs hanging around.
                      Digital Livewell


                      • #12
                        this really blows! if anyone finds out contact info for the new owners or whoever, let me know.

