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site ideas?

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  • site ideas?

    any of you guys have an ideas or thoughts on the site? what would you like to see? expand it?

    i know it will certainly pickup when the reports roll in.

    btw, how did you find it?

  • #2
    Originally posted by stupidjet View Post
    any of you guys have an ideas or thoughts on the site? what would you like to see? expand it?

    i know it will certainly pickup when the reports roll in.

    btw, how did you find it?
    maybe a DIY bible of some kind... seems like a lot of newer guys find their way here. You directed me to it a long time ago... or i found it through your blog... cant really remember. Any shot at getting advertising or linking up with hook1 or ack or something to extend small discounts to us would be awesome.


    • #3
      Somehow or another I was led here by Matt.... thanks Matt.
      The only thing I would like to see different would be for all fishing reports, whether successful or not, posted under a "fishing reports" header. I'd still keep up to date on all of the other postings, but it would just make it easier


      • #4
        i like the set up as is but quick links to ACK and other helpful places would be nice, upgraded smiles would be cool too. i came over when you started. maybe add association to the name like TKAA we could be MKFA


        • #5
          Originally posted by surfdog View Post
          i like the set up as is but quick links to ACK and other helpful places would be nice, upgraded smiles would be cool too. i came over when you started. maybe add association to the name like TKAA we could be MKFA
          If you add assoc. our T shirts would be obsolete. Of course then we'd have an excuse to get new shirts


          • #6
            Originally posted by surfdog View Post
            i like the set up as is but quick links to ACK and other helpful places would be nice, upgraded smiles would be cool too. i came over when you started. maybe add association to the name like TKAA we could be MKFA
            HELL NO !!!! ......... leave it like it is ........... MKF is excellent .......

            Upgraded smiles would be nice ........


            • #7
              but.......association the.......end sounds more........impotent!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                looks fine the way it is right now


                • #9
                  Originally posted by surfdog View Post
                  i like the set up as is but quick links to ACK and other helpful places would be nice, upgraded smiles would be cool too. i came over when you started. maybe add association to the name like TKAA we could be MKFA

                  Just so we are not AMFK.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by surfdog View Post
                    i like the set up as is but quick links to ACK and other helpful places would be nice, upgraded smiles would be cool too. i came over when you started. maybe add association to the name like TKAA we could be MKFA
                    from previous contacts, we're not large enough for ads...

                    choose as you please...








                    i'll work on the smiles

                    keep the ideas coming...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Capt C-Hawk View Post
                      Somehow or another I was led here by Matt.... thanks Matt.
                      The only thing I would like to see different would be for all fishing reports, whether successful or not, posted under a "fishing reports" header. I'd still keep up to date on all of the other postings, but it would just make it easier

                      not sure i follow, as all reports should be posted under "The Boatyard" forum?


                      • #12
                        The format is fine, simple, easy and straight forward.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by surfdog View Post
                          but.......association the.......end sounds more........impotent!!!!!!!!
                          so you want to feel "impotent" ....... stop taking those little blue pills ......

                          Just putting a word in you're name doesn't make you important ....... the quality of the people on your site and what it offers does ........ this site is important to me and others and will be to many others once the word gets out ....... it is growing everyday ........... problem is that some want it to grow faster but adding association won't do it ...... in fact it may keep some away .......... sounds too formal and stuffy ...... I want something that is fun and free so I would think twice before getting involved ......... look at Tidalfish ....... it doesn't say Tidalfish assoc ..... same w/Surftalk and the better ones .......... if you want to be important then do something that makes you important ....... saying so don't make it so .......

                          If you want it to grow fast then get links set up to your site from other popular sites and kayak shops ........ if it's to expensive to run then charge a fee .......

                          Mdkayakfishing ......... or maybe ....... Yakfish ........

                          Sorry for the rant but if it ain't broke then don't fix it ........ adding association to the name just cheapens the image for me ....... we're a bunch of Yak Fishin Bums ....... like the surf bums or the whitewater bums ....... free and lots of fun ......... don't put the starched shirts and ties on us dude !!!!!! ........... Leave it alone !!!!!!

                          Keep it Mdkayakfishing ........... of maybe Yakfish ......... and have threads for diffrent areas as it grows ......... whole lot more Yakers in VA and NJ ...... but this site has more to offer from what I've seen and some great people ......... the monthly M&G's bond the bums
                          Last edited by Memory Maker; 02-28-2011, 09:57 AM.


                          • #14
                            It took me quite a bit of stumbling through search results to find the site, in the end I believe a link from your blog led me here.

                            I've started and handed off a few successful recreational forums like snaggedline over the past 10 years so I can offer some advice. First off, I like the layout of the forum just the way it is. Very few sub forums.... It's easy to over-categorize and create too many sub forums. I've made that mistake and it becomes cumbersome for users to sort through. Some users wont dive down into a category that doesn't interest them....even though there may be threads beneath that may elicit them to reply. Unless you have thousands of users...the fewer categories the better.

                            Indexing how-to's and such is a very good idea. On a similar site I started, it was the main attraction. Many people who found the site did so when they were searching for instructions on how to do this or that. This can take a while as your ratings in the various search engines takes time to improve.

                            Ads can be a tricky deal since they can be perceived as possibly influencing opinions of the site. No guys love Hobie and I believe you. If there were Hobie ads on every page that may make me go hmm. I'm assuming it probably costs less than $100 to run this site for a year, not a lot but over the years it can add up. Consider bringing on one or two co-admins. You split the cost and it also eliminates a single point of failure. If one of you moves or simply gets out of kayaking, the site lives on.

                            Personally I would like to see a cohesive, main portal type page for the site. Here you could have links to how-to's, rss feeds from important resources, list of the latest posts, polls, rotating images of member catches. vbulletin offers mods for this type of functionality. In this, the blog page would go away. whatever domain name) would become the launch page. boatyard) would of course become the forum. Would also be cool if the header was a little more cohesive. I like the fish but think it could be creatively blended into a different header. If you changed the name, I like mdkayakfishing. Could easily see playing with the fish logo and working a SL into the fish markings to pay homage to the original name.

                            Not criticisms, just ideas. It's certainly the most enjoyable forum I currently belong to....
                            Last edited by the_kegs; 02-28-2011, 01:53 PM.
                            Digital Livewell


                            • #15
                              Why is the URL instead of .......... never could figure that one out because if you tyoe in it goes right to snaggedline .........

                              Why not just make the url

