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Help Save The Striped Bass - Take The Pledge

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  • #61
    "Like most things in which government plays a role, there is rarely a unanimous opinion on how things should be done."

    The irony in this is that people are working hard in various commissions and government agencies to set rules to preserve our resources that run counter to what would appear to be a basic human trait – taking as much as we can when the taking is easy. We see this tendency in many aspects of life – eating, drinking, buying on credit, etc. In fact, basic economic theory is based on it. Commodity demand increases as the costs or resources required to obtain that commodity fall. So it’s not surprising that fishing would be the same. When we can figure out how to protect ourselves from our own nature, the fish will be safer. That's a very tough job.
    Last edited by Mark; 01-10-2014, 02:54 PM.
    Pasadena, MD

    Slate Hobie Revolution 13
    Hidden Oak Native Ultimate 12
    Lizard Lick Native Ultimate FX Pro

