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Susquehanna 4/9

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  • Susquehanna 4/9

    Who will be joining tiinge and I this saturday. Leaving from either tydings or lapidum and not sure what time yet. Im waiting to get some intel back from a buddy that has had a few guide trips up there this week to make the final decisions.

    does anyone know what the deal is with tydings ramp. i dont necessarily need the ramp but i dont recall if there is anywhere else to put in there short of dumping the yaks off the dock.
    Last edited by mdmakaira410; 04-07-2011, 11:31 AM.
    Link to fishing vid, oldie but goodie.

  • #2
    Im heading up there Saturday morning with JFFoley and Jimbo, still not sure about which launch to use. It's the M&G weekend so hopefully we can get a little floatila going.
    Used to fish more.


    • #3
      your right it is the second saturday isnt it. let me know where you guys are thinking of heading.
      Link to fishing vid, oldie but goodie.


      • #4
        Hey guys .......... any chance on changing at least some of the M&G's to Sunday .......... I know some guys who GREATLY and Generously give to the betterment of the club/site and cannot attend because they have to work on Saturdays ............


        • #5
          There's no real definitive scheduling of these things, if people want to do one on Sunday all it takes is posting it up and telling people where to be. I know when it gets hot we were talking about evening launches and potentially even some night fishing.

          So just let us know when and where!
          Used to fish more.


          • #6
            might be bailing on the flats guys. i just got a pretty bleak report. Flats themselves are super slow, the river might be ok but they had 5 flood gates open today..... might try the bridge instead
            Link to fishing vid, oldie but goodie.


            • #7
              We're think about doing the same. Forecast is not good for the flats, might be windy at the bridge...
              Used to fish more.


              • #8
                where do you get your wind reports from? noaa's predicting 5-10 at the bb but ive learned not to trust those reports, you know of anything more reliable?
                Link to fishing vid, oldie but goodie.


                • #9
                  No, I've only learned that when they say 5-10 it's like 15.

                  Unless I don't go, then it goes back to being a lake out there.
                  Used to fish more.


                  • #10
                    haha thats always the case. We'll let me know what you guys decide. I havent gotten to sealing my front hatch yet so that is kind of putting me off from fishing the bridge but if you guys all go..... the other consideration i have is the kid im going with just bought his yak and has yet to catch anything from it so i may just take him over to loch raven.
                    Link to fishing vid, oldie but goodie.


                    • #11
                      sandy points hot right now. saw 4 fish that i measured at 30" and one 32 on thrusday between 4 and 730


                      • #12
                        I am thinking about launching from SPSP or Hemmingway's tommorow afternoon, gotta test out the Turbo fins and take the revo out on the bay for the first time!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by tj06sti View Post
                          I am thinking about launching from SPSP or Hemmingway's tommorow afternoon, gotta test out the Turbo fins and take the revo out on the bay for the first time!
                          Came across the bridge a couple of hrs ago .......... eastern shore side was calm ....... western shore @ 3 ftrs ...... check the winds ......


                          • #14
                            Jeeese, what wind directions cause it to be rougher on the western shore? North East? It is supposed to be east/south-east tomorrow 1-2 but that is according to NOAA. What is the best way to judge? I thought this Buoy data might help but it claims 1.3 foot wave heights right now, not sure how to read that. Thanks!


                            Originally posted by Memory Maker View Post
                            Came across the bridge a couple of hrs ago .......... eastern shore side was calm ....... western shore @ 3 ftrs ...... check the winds ......


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mdmakaira410 View Post
                              where do you get your wind reports from? noaa's predicting 5-10 at the bb but ive learned not to trust those reports, you know of anything more reliable?
                              What Michael said!! I check No ads. It's where they all get it from anyway.

                              Changing plans for tomorrow as well. The dam above the flats has "a couple" gates open.

                              Way above median! Thinking Hemmingways around noon. Low tide is supposed to be 4:37PM...

